
Asanas to remain healthy


Vajrasana- A simple yogasana for digestion

Yoga is a kind of physical activity simply said as the ancient form of exercise which gives the insight to know more about the self. The dormant inner powers blossom to give complete bliss...
Yogasana to strengthen your arms and shoulder muscles-Bakasana

Yogasana to strengthen your arms and shoulder muscles

Yoga is one of the most ancient forms of exercising; therefore it is also called 'Yogacises'. The descriptions and practices of Yoga can also be seen in Vedic periods, in Upanishads, in Mahabharata and...

Yogasana to grow height- Sarvangasana

Yogasanas are something which are meant for wholesome development of ones personality. It not only makes you physically fit but also maintains your mental state and spiritual wellness. The health of our entire body...
Camel pose

Health benefits of Ustrasana

Many of the yoga poses have got their name with resemblance to certain animals, birds, objects and many other things. Each of them has their own benefits and steps to do. As a fact,...