yoga poses for digestive system

Yoga Poses for Digestive Issues and Acid Reflux

If you have a regular yoga practice, you know how debilitating it can be to try to practice with any kind of digestive issue or acid reflux. But what if the practice itself could...
Janusirsana yoga pose

Take care of your spine with Yoga pose- Janusirsasana

Our spine is the part which makes us enable to stand straight. Now keep your back and spine flexible and fit with Yoga pose Janusirsasana. Today we will be talking about the yoga pose...

Yogasana for full body flexibility: Chakrasana

Yogasanas are something in which your body moves in different positions, for several benefits. Today we will be talking about a Yoga pose, which is meant to make your full body flexible. It is...
Camel pose

Health benefits of Ustrasana

Many of the yoga poses have got their name with resemblance to certain animals, birds, objects and many other things. Each of them has their own benefits and steps to do. As a fact,...