Yoga pose Tittibhasana to improve body balance

Improve your Body Balance with Tittibhasana

We human being are the most advanced creatures on earth. We have got certain properties which none other living being has god. The most important thing to keep our body fit is; to develop...
supta vajrasana

Activate your lower body organs with- Supta Vajrasana

When your body is healthy, you are filled with all the beauties and happiness of the life! Today we will be telling you about a yoga pose which helps to activate your lower body...
Lion pose Simhasana for Stuttering voice

Yogasana to treat Stuttering voice- Simhasana

Simhasana is also known as Lion pose. Lion is known as the king of all the animals. This very asana is very beneficial as the importance of Lion in a forest. There are many...

Vajrasana- A simple yogasana for digestion

Yoga is a kind of physical activity simply said as the ancient form of exercise which gives the insight to know more about the self. The dormant inner powers blossom to give complete bliss...