
Health benefits of Bhramari Pranayama

Pranayama is the technique by which positive energy enters your soul by kicking out negative energies out. It is the universal cure which helps to cure almost all the ailments. If some Pranayama steps...
rules of pranayama

10 Common Pranayama rules you may not be knowing

Everyone does pranayama, but only a few ones are benefited. Do you know why? You may be not following the rules of pranayama. Today we will be talking about common rules of pranayama, which...
Pranayama pose

Common things about Kapalbhati Pranayama

Anything type of asana or activity which is related to breathing activity; then it can be termed as 'Pranayama'. Pranayama is totally a scientific method which correlates mental peace and physical fitness. In ancient...
Pink ribbon for cancer

Things to know about Cancer and its possible cure in Ayurveda

Cancer; in the present world this very disease has become the synonym of death! In the horoscope term, cancer also means 'crab'. Well, here we will be talking about the disease 'Cancer'. When you hear...