Anuloma Viloma Pranayama for health

Health benefits of Anuloma Viloma Pranayama

Yoga is regarded as science as well as a method that allows man to live a harmonious life while favouring his spiritual progress through the control of mind and body. Pranayama not only help...

Health benefits of Bhramari Pranayama

Pranayama is the technique by which positive energy enters your soul by kicking out negative energies out. It is the universal cure which helps to cure almost all the ailments. If some Pranayama steps...
Ayurvedic remedies for kidney diseases

Common things about Kidney diseases and its Ayurvedic remedy

Common things about kidney diseases We will cover Ayurvedic remedies for kidney diseases in this article. Nature has provided us a well-built body that comprises several organs and parts. Those organs which are located inside...
Chandra Bhedi Pranayama for health

Chandra bhedi Pranayama to reduce body heat

What is Body's heat? It balances our body system, but when it exceeds too much then it can invite several diseases. The best way to prevent such is; Pranayama. Here we will be talking...