5 types of Yoga Mudras to stay Healthy

5 types of Yoga Mudras to Stay Healthy

What are Yoga Mudras Everyone wants to stay fit and miles away from diseases. Hardly there will be someone, who will be affected by diseases. Our ancient sages and saints taught us that, in your...
Healthy Prenatal exercises during pregnancy

5 must do Prenatal Exercises during Pregnancy

Healthy pregnancy is the motive of every expecting women. It means healthy mother and healthy baby at the end of pregnancy. Today we will discuss Prenatal exercises during pregnancy. For a healthy pregnancy, exercises are...
Camel pose

Health benefits of Ustrasana

Many of the yoga poses have got their name with resemblance to certain animals, birds, objects and many other things. Each of them has their own benefits and steps to do. As a fact,...

Yogasana for Digestive troubles- Pawanmuktasana

Digestive system is our body system which means the digestion of food in our body. It has several organs which has its own functions. Many times due to some ailments, the system gets disrupted...