General Awareness

This category keeps people updated about general health awareness like kids care, common cold, flu, fever, immunity and healthy lifestyle etc.

Typhoid fever symptoms

Common things about Typhoid and its Ayurvedic cure

Diseases; also known as 'disorders, illness, ailment, sickness etc'; are the kind of discomfort which is very common in today's world. The meaning of disease is Any situation where some discomfort competes over our normal...
uses of hydrogen peroxide

5 Incredible uses of Hydrogen peroxide everyone should know

Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known chemical agent, found in almost all the homes. Mainly we use it to cleanse wounds. Do you know, this simple looking thing has many more uses too? Today we...
Treat Insomnia

Natural Ways to Treat Insomnia

We all need to sleep for at least 7 hours a day. But some of us due to one reason or another experience less sleep. Many of us must be dealing with insomnia where...

Keep your Woolens fresh and hygienic all around the Winters

Woolen clothes are the basic need of chilling and freezing winter season. Everyone likes to enjoy winters with soft, colorful, bright and cute woolen cloths. Today we will be telling you how to keep...