General Awareness

This category keeps people updated about general health awareness like kids care, common cold, flu, fever, immunity and healthy lifestyle etc.

therapeutic massage

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

Once upon a time, massages in the western world were generally only found in luxury spas and upscale health clubs. In these settings, they were considered a “treat” and something received for caring or...

Different types of Vitamin and their Health benefits

What is food; it is regarded as one of the basic units of life which contributes to keeping us alive. It provides nutrition in form of certain elements like Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids, trace...
Say no to Dengue

Preventive measures to control Dengue

Hello all, toady our topic is on spreading disease Dengue. Few years back, this disease was not so fluent and a topic to get worried about. But today, many of the health officers, doctors...
pica disorder

Pica Disorder: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Hey all today we will be talking about an eating syndrome called 'Pica'. It is like a continuous craving for something not good for human consumption. In the following post, we will be telling...