how to get rid of hiccups naturally

How to get rid of hiccups naturally

A hiccup occurs when there is a contraction of muscles in the diaphragm. We suck air through the vocal curd, during contraction. That produces a hiccup sound. Hiccups are something sudden that you can’t...
home remedies for abdominal bloating

Home Remedies for Abdominal Bloating

Gas or bloating is one of the most common and embarrassing health issues. This is a normal part of the digestion process. The bloating stomach can be painful, with cramps and heaviness. This condition...
treat chronic fatigue naturally

How to get rid of chronic fatigue naturally

Understand Chronic Fatigue Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition that lasts longer than six months and is marked by excessive weakness. There is no underlying medical issue that could account for this weakness. The fact...
homemade gargles to combat flu

4 homemade gargles to combat flu and viral infections

This is the season of maladies; every second day we are witnessing climate change; sometimes rainy, sometimes chilling, and sometimes hot! What can we witness with all these seasons in a day? And this...