7 amazing Health benefits of Chaulmoogra plant

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There are many plants used to extract oil. Here we will be talking about a same category of plant, which is mainly known as pain-reliever one. In addition, it has many other benefits too. Today we will be talking about the Heath benefits of Chaulmoogra plant/Hydnocarpus plant.

These are the tree type of plants, which looks quite similar as other trees.

Appearance of Hydnocarpus plant:

Chaulmoogra Tree

The trees of Hydnocarpus are very pretty and are 50 ft or more tall. The leaves are 10 inch long and 1 1/2 to 4 inch wide. They are pointed at tip and shining ones and the flowers are white and grow in bunches. Unisex male and female flowers grow on separate trees.

The fruit is 2-4 inch in diameter and has apple like shape. The seeds are brown and look similar to almonds. One single fruit has approximately 10-20 seeds.

Where it is found?

The plants are found in the forests, in the mountains of western ghats, southern Konkan, Travancore and Sri Lanka. Its seeds and the oil from the seeds are widely used for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition Chaulmoogra plant:

Chaulmoogra fruit
Chaulmoogra fruit
  • Stable oil is extracted from the seeds.
  • This oil has chalmogric acid, hydnocarpic acid, pamitic acid etc.
  • It is yellowish or browinsh-yellow in colour, and thick.
  • It has a very peculiar odour and at temperature below 25 degree celsius, it solidifies to form a white, thick matter similar to ghee.


English name– Hydnocarpus

Hindi name– Chaulmoogra, Chaulmongra

Sanskrit name– Tuvrak, Katukapisth

Persian name– Biranjagmogra

Marathi name– Kaduk Veeth, Kaduk Bathi

Kingdom– Plantae

Family name– Flacourtiaceae

Scientific nameHydnocarpus pentandra


The local application of Tuvrak is effective as antihelmintic, anti-dermatoses and in curing ulcers and wounds. The oil is an effective anti-dermatoses medicine. Now-a-days, it is also injected into the body.

Now, we shall be dealing with the health benefits of Chaulmoogra which is immensely beneficial for health. Let us see how.

Health benefits of Chaulmoogra:

chaulmoogra oil
chaulmoogra oil

1. Cures Faintness-

  • In case of dizziness and faint sensation, apply the seed powder on forehead.
  • It energizes the body and treats the dizziness.

2. Good for Diabetes

  • Give 1 teaspoonful of powder of its seeds, thrice a day.
  • It controls release of sugar in urine.
  • When no sugar is released in urine, stop the treatment.

3. Treats Tuberculosis

  • Give 5-6 drops of its oil with milk, twice a day.
  • Or, mix the oil in butter and use it to massage on chest.
  • It proves beneficial in curing the chest problems.
  • In multinodular tuberculosis, give 1 gm powder of the seed thrice a day.
  • Mix the oil in butter and apply on nodules.

4. Aids in Ulcers and Wounds-

  • Grind the seeds into a fine powder.
  • Apply the powder on ulcers and wounds.
  • Chaulmoogra stops the bleeding and heals the wounds.

5. Good for Scabies-

  • Grind castor seeds along with its peel and mix the powder in castor oil.
  • Apply this paste on scabies, it is a very useful treatment.
  • Grind the Chaulmoogra seeds in cow’s urine and make a paste of this.
  • Apply the paste on the scabies 2-3 times a day.
  • It gives relief from pain

6.  Chaulmoogra plant is helpful cure in Cholera-

  • Give 1 gm powder of its seeds with water.
  • It should be given as 2-3 times a day.
  • It gives relief.

7. Chaulmoogra cures Blood related disorders-

  • In case the nails turn black or in case of any other disorder of blood.
  • Fill 5 drops of its oil in a capsule or mix it in butter.
  • Give this to the patient, every morning and evening, half an hour after the meals.
  • It cures blood disorders.
  • Apply the oil externally or mix it with 4 times of Neem oil or butter and apply.
  • This is beneficial in curing blood disorders.

Now, what is your view about this herb. Hope this article was informative and reliable for all, if you have any other information about such herbs then do share with us. Take care and live well!

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