Herbal Medicine

Herbal treatment for a human problems

Aphthous ulcer on tongue

Herbal Remedies for Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are the sores which forms inside the mouth and is a kind of oral problem. It looks minor, but aches a lot. We try a lot of medications, but they remain untreated....
sheesham leaves

5 Medicinal benefits of Sheesham tree you must know about

Sheesham tree is widely used in buildings and furniture. Apart from this, it has many more uses including medicinal benefits. Today our topic is on medicinal benefits of Sheesham tree. Sheesham is a self-grown...
Natural ways to quit Tobacco

Natural ways to quit Chewing Tobacco

Tobacco or Tambaku or Guthka is a very habit which is owned by many people. It is like an addiction, which has now became a kind of trend among youngsters and teenagers even. Chewing...
Tender leaves of Henna

10 benefits of evergreen plant ‘Henna’

Many of us simply consider Henna plant as a cosmetic tree which is used for colouring purposes. But guys, after going through this article you will find yourselves disillusioned and amazed. You will find...