5 Every day uses of Apple Cider Vinegar everyone should know

apple cider vinegar
apple cider vinegar
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Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV is a very familiar and known liquid to all. It is widely used as a medicine. But the uses of ACV are far beyond, just as a medicine. Today we will be telling you 5 very common and everyday uses of Apple Cider Vinegar.

apple cider vinegar
apple cider vinegar

It has also been explained by therapists and health experts, that ACV is a health-promoting liquid. Many people even use it, as a daily syrup for longevity and different health purpose.

Do you know, you can even use Apple Cider Vinegar for everyday use. Let us see how.

5 Every day uses of Apple Cider Vinegar:

Makes your hair shine

To make our hairs shiny and lustrous, we use a lot of shampoos and hair treatments. Are the results always satisfactory and as per our will? Of course not! Use the simple ACV to make your hair shiny. After shampooing your hair, just give a rinse with apple cider vinegar and lukewarm water.

cider vinegar for hairs
cider vinegar for hairs

You can also take your shampoo bottle and fill it 1/4th with ACV. Shake it and use as a daily shampoo.

Makes your teeth whiter

white teeth with apple cider vinegar
white teeth with apple cider vinegar

Instead of using toothpaste, rub your teeth directly with some ACV. It removes stain and makes your teeth whiter.

Relieve skin from Sunburns

apple cider vinegar for sunburns
apple cider vinegar for sunburns

After coming from the hot sun, if you feel sunburn and tanning skin, then apple cider vinegar will help you. Take a cup of apple vinegar and put it into a tub of bathing water. Now, take bath in the water and soak your body in it. You will feel hydrated and the skin will glow.

Detoxify the Liver

apple cider vinegar for liver
apple cider vinegar for liver

Do you know, ACV can improve digestion and detoxify your liver functioning. It actually detoxifies the full body and results in healthy functioning. Add 2 teaspoons of vinegar to a glass of water. Take it every morning, after the meals.

Natural Room freshener

apple cider vinegar for room freshener
apple cider vinegar for room freshener

Are you also fed of expensing a lot on air fresheners and bathroom fresheners? Here you have an easy choice. Take a cup of ACV and pour it into your toilets, let it sit overnight. Next morning, flush it out and clean your bathroom with cider vinegar.

It will give your room and bathroom, an apple fragrance. You can also put a cup of vinegar in your bedroom, it acts as a natural air fresher and gives a pleasant fragrance.

These were the 5 uses of ACV, which can be very effective and helpful to all.

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