Effective Herbs for Ulcerative Colitis – Natural Diet & Treatment


Ayurveda is the science of life. It cures disorders with herbs. As per Ayurveda, there are three fundamental energies in our body – vata, pitta and kapha which are responsible for perfect health. Imbalance of anyone out of three results in health complications. Ulcerative colitis is one such disorder which can be cured by herbal remedies. Ulcerative colitis is a disorder which causes inflammation of the colon. Hence, it is mentioned in the category of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Vitiation of pitta dosha causes inflammation of intestine called Pitaj Grahani (Ulcerative colitis). This disorder produces small sores on the colon lining. These ulcers start erupting in the rectum and escalate upwards and the damage of the small intestine below the lower part is very uncommon. This inflammation rapidly regulates the bowel very often. These sores may cause bleeding or even exude pus. Though this ailment can affect anyone but it is more common in age groups of 15 to 30 and 50 to 70.


  • Poor appetite
  • Poor digestion
  • Improper diet habits,
  • Intake of indigestible foods,
  • Junk food,
  • Pitta aggravating foods like excessive spicy, sour, pungent, acidic, food items that produce burning sensation in the body, exposure to excess hot climate, alcohol, smoking, excessive anger etc.

Herbs for Ulcerative Colitis

Ayurveda is the science of life. It cures disorders with herbs. As per Ayurveda, there are three fundamental energies in our body – vata, pitta and kapha which are responsible for perfect health. Imbalance of any one out of three results in health complications. Ulcerative colitis is one such disorder which can be cured by herbal remedies. Ulcerative colitis is a disorder which causes inflammation of the colon. Hence, it is mentioned in the category of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Vitiation of pitta dosha causes inflammation of intestine called Pitaj Grahani (Ulcerative colitis). This disorder produces small sores on the colon lining. These ulcers start erupting in the rectum and escalate upwards and the damage of the small intestine below the lower part is very uncommon. This inflammation rapidly regulates the bowel very often. These sores may cause bleeding or even exude pus. Though this ailment can affect anyone but it is more common in age groups of 15 to 30 and 50 to 70.


  • Poor appetite
  • Poor digestion
  • Improper diet habits,
  • Intake of indigestible foods,
  • Junk food,
  • Pitta aggravating foods like excessive spicy, sour, pungent, acidic, food items that produce burning sensation in the body, exposure to excess hot climate, alcohol, smoking, excessive anger etc.

Herbs for Ulcerative Colitis:

  1. Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysentrica) It balances tridosha and is a very important herb for managing diarrhea, dysentery and to promote digestion. It absorbs excess body fluids and controls bleeding diarrhea and blood in dysentery.
  2. Saunf (Fenniculum vulgare) –It helps to provide relief from the symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal cramps, rectal bleeding and burning sensation in the chest which are the symptoms associated with ulcerative colitis.
  3. Dhaniya (Coriander sativum) – This herb has an appetizer and anti-dyspeptic properties and also useful in ulcerative colitis.
  4. Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) – It has healing properties and provides relief in rectal bleeding, ulcers, bloody stools and abdominal pain which are symptoms associated with ulcerative colitis.
  5. Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra) – It is pitta pacifying herb having a sweet taste.
  6. Mocharasa or Shalmali (Salmalia malabarica) – It has astringent properties and tastes like that and aids in stopping bleeding effectively.
  7. Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) – It has astringent like the taste and is cool in nature. It is primarily helpful in gynecological bleeding disorders.
  8. Geru (ochre) is a natural mineral which consists of hydrated iron oxide which ranges in color from yellow to deep orange or brown. It is helpful in pacifying pitta which is used in ayurvedic antacids.
  9. Lajwanti (Mimosa pudica) – It has a cooling effect and is useful in calming kapha and pitta. It is very beneficial for bleeding diarrhea. 3gm powdered root with curd provides relief in bleeding diarrhea.


  • A lactose-free diet – patients with ulcerative colitis cannot digest the foods that contain lactose. It is due to reduced activity of lactase enzyme present in the intestine. The foods enrich with glucose and other sugars.
  • A low fat diet – this diet is recommended in the condition of ulcerative colitis flare.
  • A low fibre diet – this diet helps to reduce the bowel movements and abdominal pain.
  • A high-calorie diet – this diet implements in patients that suffer from weight loss.


Dairy products:

  • If you are suffered from lactose intolerance, avoid the use of dairy products which include milk, butter, curd, and cheese.

Fibrous vegetables

  • Avoid the vegetables that are full of fibers as difficult to digest. You can consume them without skin and seeds. These can cause abdominal cramp and bloat. Fiber vegetables include cabbage, corns, onions, celery, broccoli, mushrooms and Brussels sprouts.

Fibrous fruits

  • Avoid fruits that are rich in fibers such as dried fruits, berries, fruits with pulp or seeds like oranges, papaya etc.

Dried beans and peas

  • These are also enriched with fibers. This also tends to cause acidity as contain indigestible sugar molecules.


  • Seeds are known to have insoluble fibers that can cause bloating, gas or diarrhea. These seeds include – flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine seeds, wild rice and more.

Whole grain flour and cereals

  • Enrich with fibers, so good to avoid. This includes – bread, pasta, noodles, brown rice, oats, cereals etc.
  • White bread can be taken in the condition of flare-ups and cereals like puffed rice and corn flakes.

Fatty meats

  • Meats which are excess in fats, cannot digest by an ulcerative colitis patient.

Sugar alcohols

These are enriched with sugar-free gum, ice creams, and fruit juices like apple, pears, peaches, and candies.

Foods containing Sulphur

These can lead to acidity. The foods that are included in it are alcoholic beverages, eggs, dairy products, dates, almonds, peanuts, pasta, vegetables like cabbage and broccoli, dried apples and apricots, prunes, resins, some supplements and red meat.

Caffeine enriched food items

  • Caffeine is found in foods like chocolate, tea, energy drinks and in coffee. It helps to enhance the transit time in the colon that cause more urinating problem.

Carbonated drinks

  • The drinks like soda and beers etc. can cause the problem in the digestive tract as it contains caffeine and sugars.

Spicy foods and peppers

  • These can make the symptoms of ulcerative colitis more severe and cause diarrhea also.


  • This compound found in rye, wheat, barley, and oats. This can prominent the symptoms actions.

Creamy foods

  • Rich high-fat sauces and seasonings like mayonnaise can enhance ulcerative colitis symptoms actions.

Alcoholic Beverages:

  • They can cause diarrhea so they are better avoided.

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