
Surya Bhedana Pranayama and its health benefits

Sun; it is the most effective and the natural source for health benefits. During winters, everyone likes to soak the sun heat. It makes you relaxed and a warm sensation approaches. Sun rays before...
Ardha matsyendrasana

Combat Diabetes and Backache with Ardha Matsyendrasana

Hey guys, today we are here with a yoga pose, which mostly deals to combat diabetes and backache. It is quite easy to perform and one of the eligible asanas. It is called Ardha...
Chandra Bhedi Pranayama for health

Chandra bhedi Pranayama to reduce body heat

What is Body's heat? It balances our body system, but when it exceeds too much then it can invite several diseases. The best way to prevent such is; Pranayama. Here we will be talking...

Yogasana for Diabetes cure- Mandukasana

Diabetes mellitus or Blood sugar is the disorder which is caused due to the insufficient production of insulin. This disease is a kind of thing which is considered as incurable. Talking about herbal cure...