home remedies for thyroid

Natural Home Remedies to get rid of Thyroid Diseases

Let's understand Thyroid in brief Thyroid disease is a common disease that can be detected by anyone belonging to any age group. However, this is more common in women than men. The thyroid gland is...
treat chronic fatigue naturally

How to get rid of chronic fatigue naturally

Understand Chronic Fatigue Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition that lasts longer than six months and is marked by excessive weakness. There is no underlying medical issue that could account for this weakness. The fact...
home remedies for edema

Top Home Remedies for Edema or Swollen Feet

What causes edema or swollen feet Swelling (also known as edema) occurs when the body holds fluid in the lower legs, ankles, and feet. It usually happens on both sides of your body. As a...
vacha the sweet flag

Vacha – the sweet flag and an untold story 

She was a hard nut to crack. Their second baby Lisa was two years old and as parents, Richard and Melinda could not do much to improve the speech quality of their daughter. The...