
Vajrasana- A simple yogasana for digestion

Yoga is a kind of physical activity simply said as the ancient form of exercise which gives the insight to know more about the self. The dormant inner powers blossom to give complete bliss...

Sun Salutation- A complete workout for healthy living

Sun Salutation; also called Surya Namaskara in Hindi is regarded as the complete workout for a healthy life. One who regularly perform this; stays fit and healthy always. If you are habituated of this,...
Yoga for Cacner Treatment

5 Yoga asanas to curb Cancer

Cancer is a disease which is characterized by the development of unwanted cells rapidly which results in the formation of Tumour. In the present date, Cancer disease is considered as the synonym of Death....
Neck pain

Common things about neck pain and its herbal cure

Pain, inflammation, etc are something that is really hectic and uncomfortable to bear out. Sometimes it has no sign but is felt by the victim; many times some swelling and redness can be seen...