health benefits of bhetki fish

Health Benefits of Bhetki Fish

Bhetki fish, also known as “Bhala” in West Bengal, is a very common and preferred delicacy in Bengali cuisine. This fish could be easily identified with its long body a short tail. It's easy...
Salt and oil massage mixture

Say Goodbye to Body pain for years with this Salt and Oil massage

In older ages, 8 out of 10 suffer from body pain which is very hard and painful. Even after trying so hard, that pain is cured very rare. Today we will be discussing about...
Peepal leaves for Heart Blockage

Remove your Heart Blockage with Peepal leaves

Heart Blockage is the situation in which the veins of heart gets blocked with unwanted fatty substances, leading to severe heart diseases. Commonly, your physician will suggest for medications or surgical methods. These are...
how to get rid of neck fat naturally

How to Get Rid of Neck Fat Naturally

What causes neck fat Neck fat, commonly referred to as turkey neck, can significantly affect one's self-confidence due to its appearance of saggy skin and a double chin. This can often make individuals appear older...