black spotted banana

Surprising Health benefits of eating black-spotted Banana

Banana is one of the most liked fruit, by all. Do you know, that the black-spotted banana is highly nutritious and has several extraordinary capabilities. Today we will be learning the benefits of eating...
muscle building high-protein foods

14 Best high-protein food to build muscles

Why protein is important for your body? Protein should always be a part of your diet, but it becomes much more important if you want to gain muscle. Though exercise is the catalyst for your...
Ventricular Septal Defect VSD

Basics things to know about Heart Hole

Introduction There are many kinds and types of cardiac-disorders. Many are right from birth and some due to external factors such as physique, diet-intake and so on. "Heart hole" is one of them. As the name...
Salt and oil massage mixture

Say Goodbye to Body pain for years with this Salt and Oil massage

In older ages, 8 out of 10 suffer from body pain which is very hard and painful. Even after trying so hard, that pain is cured very rare. Today we will be discussing about...