get rid of tonsilitis

How to get rid of tonsillitis: Home remedies and lifestyle changes

What is Tonsillitis The tonsils are tiny, soft-tissue organs with an oval shape located in the back of the throat. They work as a protective mechanism, aiding the immune system in fighting off viruses and...
good morning drink

Morning drink to cure Body Stone, Obesity and Mental Stress

Can you believe a drink which cures body stone, obesity and mental stress? Means 3 in one, yes this is true! Today we will be telling about a good morning drink which is enriched...
Clean teeth with turmeric and coconut oil

Whiten your teeth naturally with Turmeric and coconut oil

Teeth represent your personality and caring nature. Pearly white teeth represent good natured and clarity, whereas pale and yellow teeth shows irresponsible and unhygiene. Today we will be telling you a very natural way...
Health benefits of tomato

5 Amazing Health benefits of Tomato everyone should know

Tomato is one of the most common vegetables, known to all.  It is the glossy, bright, and cute looking edible, which everyone prefers. Let us see the health benefits of tomato.  Today we will...