General Awareness

This category keeps people updated about general health awareness like kids care, common cold, flu, fever, immunity and healthy lifestyle etc.

neck cracking

Cracking your neck can be bad for health, here’s the reason why!

Whole day sitting in front of computer and laptops, when we feel our neck fragile and stiffed, we crack it in left and right directions. It gives us instant relief and a feeling of...
Zika virus and pregnancy

Protect your Unborn Baby from threatening Zika Virus

There are many diseases and malfunctions, which gets transmitted to the baby from mother during the period of pregnancy. Those are called hereditary or genetic disorders. the latest virus cum disease, Zika Virus can...
cord blood bank cycle

Newborn cord blood to fight against several diseases

When a baby is born, he or she is connected with an umbilical cord and the placenta. Many of us think those two materials as waste! Beware, moms and fathers-to-be, this thing can be...
Natural disinfectant

Homemade Natural Disinfectant at home : How to make your own

To keep our homes and sanitation clean, we use some liquids called 'Disinfectants'. Those are the anti-microbial agents, which inhibits the growth of microorganisms thus aiding in healthy life. However, if calculated we spend...