Vegetables and Fruits

Blog posts that come under fruits or vegetables

muscle building high-protein foods

14 Best high-protein food to build muscles

Why protein is important for your body? Protein should always be a part of your diet, but it becomes much more important if you want to gain muscle. Though exercise is the catalyst for your...
black spotted banana

Surprising Health benefits of eating black-spotted Banana

Banana is one of the most liked fruit, by all. Do you know, that the black-spotted banana is highly nutritious and has several extraordinary capabilities. Today we will be learning the benefits of eating...

Raw juice therapy to cure 30 different diseases

Diseases are something which is disliked by everyone. None of us wants to have even a minor form of the disease. But unfortunately, with the increase in age and several other factors; at some...

5 Health benefits of Beetroot which will amaze you

Beetroot is known to all of us. It is eaten as raw and cooked, both forms. Today we will be telling you 5 benefits of beetroot which will change your life. Beetroots are the edible...