Strawberry Face Mask

Strawberry Face mask for youthful and glowing skin

Hey beautiful, wanna a complete facial beauty! Fed up of trying numerous ingredients and things! Now try this strawberry face mask, to get a youthful and glowing skin. Since from ages, a beautiful face...
mint herb

5 Health benefits of Mint Herb everyone must know

Mint is a very well-known herb in Ayurveda. It is multipurpose in nature and has numerous medicinal benefits too. Today we will be talking about the health benefits of Mint. The appearance of Mint herb Mint...
feet massage

Bedtime feet Massage for healthy sleep and health rejuvenation

The center point of all the veins and arteries, is located at feet. This is the reason why you always feel good and relaxed when your give it a good massage. Many of us...
folic acid for pregnancy

Top 6 Folic acid foods must during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are certain nutrients which comes  the foremost and are must for the developing baby as well as the mother. Folic acid is one of them. Today we will be telling you...