General Awareness

This category keeps people updated about general health awareness like kids care, common cold, flu, fever, immunity and healthy lifestyle etc.

get rid of tonsilitis

How to get rid of tonsillitis: Home remedies and lifestyle changes

What is Tonsillitis The tonsils are tiny, soft-tissue organs with an oval shape located in the back of the throat. They work as a protective mechanism, aiding the immune system in fighting off viruses and...
pica disorder

Pica Disorder: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Hey all today we will be talking about an eating syndrome called 'Pica'. It is like a continuous craving for something not good for human consumption. In the following post, we will be telling...
corona virus

5 Effective and natural ways to prevent Coronavirus

In this range of viruses, there are some which are limited only to animals and does no harm to humans. But this coronavirus is something which can easily be transmitted to humans through animals like bats and snakes.
mauli thread

Scientific logic behind tying Mauli thread on hand

In Hindu culture, the red colored thread also called 'Mauli thread' has its own respective value. In every puja and cultural occasion, tying Mauli is very common. It is also called Kalava. Do you...