Home Ayurveda Herbal Medicine 11 Signs of Prostate Enlargement & Herbal Remedies

11 Signs of Prostate Enlargement & Herbal Remedies

The prostate gland is an exclusive male organ. It is about the size and shape of a walnut and is situated right before the place where urethra enters into the penis. The secretions of the prostate gland are significant in lubricating the sperms and keeping them secure in the acidic environment of the urethra.
Prostate gland in this way plays a passive role in male reproduction. As men age, the body starts to wear out and the process of repair and rejuvenation slowly dies down. It is when the prostate gland is also unable to cope up with the process and starts to hypertrophy. This is also known as Prostate enlargement.
Prostate enlargement, which is medically known as benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) offsets in the late Middle Ages in men and as a result, most men suffer from a varying degree of symptoms related to it. While, in some cases, this may not occur at all, but for all others, it is a very common senile change in the body which can be managed in time if its signs and symptoms are diagnosed early.

Let us have a look at 11 most common signs of prostate enlargement and how to manage them using herbal remedies.

1. Increased frequency of urination:

One of the most common problems of prostate enlargement is an increased frequency of urination. This happens because the prostate gland is located around the urethra. When it hypertrophies, it starts to compress the urethra with its growing size. As a result, the urethral aperture constricts and the urine is never emptied fully from the bladder because of it.

2. Urgency:

Urgency occurs because the bladder constantly feels full and the patient is always thinking about getting relief from that feeling. So whenever he feels the urge to urinate it is almost uncontrollable. Weak nerve response from the bladder to the brain and urinary infection may be another cause for it.

3. Weak or slow stream of urine:

This is again a problem related to urethral compression by prostate enlargement. The patient becomes anxious about this condition as he is never at ease with himself. He feels like going to the toilet all the time because the pressure in the urinary bladder is never released.

4. Difficulty in initiating urination:

Sometimes, the size of the prostate gland becomes so big that it compresses the urethra to such an extent that it is unable to start the process of micturition. The progressive narrowing of the urethral orifice is the main culprit behind this condition. It may not be an early sign and is usually seen in the later stages of the disease only.

5. Sleep disturbances:

In these patients, sleep is constantly disturbed because of the urgency to go to urinate again and again. Over time these patients become highly anxious and getting a good night sleep for them becomes another big issue apart from the prostate complaints.

6. Painful urination:

This is another obvious sign of prostate enlargement. When the patient is suffering from a blockage in urethra, he will find it difficult to evacuate the urinary bladder from time to time. This results in severe pain in the abdomen which is not relieved fully and the patient becomes more and more stressed about it.

7. Straining at urine:

This may be an initial sign of the condition and can be often confusing also. This is because straining may also occur in case of bladder stones when small calculi may block the urethra or flow of urine anywhere in the urinary system. The patient experiences a similar pain and difficulty in the case of prostatic enlargement. While in elderly males, prostate enlargement is the usual suspect, in younger males, the possibility of urinary calculi should also be ruled out.

8. Dribbling of urine:

This is another very common problem experienced by prostate patients. Dribbling of urine is when the stream of urine is very weak and in the process of finishing up with micturition, the person has to keep waiting for a long time as some urine tends to dribble out every now and then from the urethra. This may make toilet visits quite long and stressful. This is why probably we see prostate patients always obsessed with their condition because it does not let them sit in peace for a very long time.

9. Blood in urine:

Bleeding in the urethra may occur due to multiple factors. It may be because of some calculi or excessive straining of the bladder or even prostate cancer. In any which case, it is important to look for the exact cause and treat it.

10. Urinary tract infections:

Another very common association of benign prostatic hypertrophy is the urinary tract infections. It is not hard to guess why prostate patients develop urinary tract infection. The residual urine which is almost always there in the bladder of prostate patients is an ultimate breeding ground for the development of bacteria. The normal process of urination usually flushes out any kind of infections from the bladder. But in prostate patients, this process is not taking place at all as a result of which UTIs get easily precipitated.

11. Kidney damage:

Prolonged negligence towards an enlarged prostate gland can harm the surrounding organs in no time. With the environment in the bladder and urethra not very sterile in these patients, chances of developing kidney infections and kidney malfunctions are quite high.


The science of Ayurveda has a different point of view when it comes to the human anatomy and physiology. Despite the difference Ayurvedic principles are completely scientific and logical and 100 % applicable to modern times.
As per Ayurveda Prostate gland is called as “Paurush granthi” which has been endowed to support seminal secretions in males. Prostate enlargement involves vitiation of vata and kapha doshas because of which we see signs of these dosha involvements in prostate patients. While pain, obstruction, anxiety, urinary problems are all due to vata vitiation, kapha involvement leads to gland enlargement, infections, blockages in the urinary system and bodily weakness and malaise.
Managing a patient of prostate enlargement in Ayurveda involves strengthening his body constitution and correcting dosha imbalances. With proper measures, Ayurvedic treatment of prostate enlargement can prove to be very effective in most patients.


Getting past and recovering from BPH is not easy. Most patients are advised to go through TURP (Transurethral resurrection of penis) and other similar operations for relief. Though an effective method, surgery does not prevent recurrence of prostate enlargement. Also, the senile changes in the body make it even more difficult for the patient to come out of the post-surgery period in a very healthy way.
With a bit of awareness and will people can easily manage this condition and delay the prospects of an impending surgery by using some herbal remedies and following a healthy corrective lifestyle.

1. Kanchnaar Guggul:

Planet Ayurveda’s Kachnaar guggul tablets are great for managing prostate problems. Kachnaar guggul is a classical Ayurvedic preparation that works very well on soft tissue growths. Not only is it safe for prostate patients but also a natural and pure supplement which can be taken by any prostate patient.

2. Varunadi Vati:

Varunadi Vati has Varuna herb (Crateva Nurua) as the main ingredient. It is another herbal supplement that can help ease out urinary difficulties in prostate enlargement.
Planet Ayurved’as Varunadi Vati is made from pure herbal combination which is absolutely safe and has no side effects.

3. Shilajit Capsules:

Shilajit is a very popular natural resinous extract that has been known for its magical effects on the male reproductive system.
It is equally good for prostate patients as it helps to strengthen them and support their body so that the senile changes may not influence their health as badly.
Planet Ayurveda’s Shilajit capsules are not only safe but also free from any kind of side effects and impurities.

4. Cap. Tribulus Power:

Planet Ayurveda’s Tribulus Power capsules contain natural herbs like Tribulus Terrestris which help to maintain urine flow in prostate patients. Regular use of this capsule along with the herbs mentioned above can be very useful in maintaining health and preventing progressive enlargement of the prostate gland.
For best results, it is better to use these medicines under the guidance of an Ayurvedic physician.

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