Home General Awareness Top Estrogen Rich Foods You Should Include In Your Diet

Top Estrogen Rich Foods You Should Include In Your Diet

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A class of hormones generated by fat cells, the adrenal glands, and the ovaries is called estrogen. In addition to affecting the reproductive system, urinary tract, heart, blood vessels, bones, skin, hair, and brain, it controls the menstrual cycle. You can change the amount of estrogen in your body by eating certain foods. Plant substances called phytoestrogens which cause the body to respond weakly to estrogen. Though the body does not produce them, phytoestrogens are naturally occurring substances found in plants that resemble estrogen in certain aspects. A healthy harmonic balance is essential. The main female hormone that the body produces, estrogen is in charge of numerous bodily processes.

Functions of estrogen

Estrogen functions include regulating the neurological system, regulating body temperature, amplifying the effects of good hormones, and increasing collagen levels in the skin, which helps to fight aging, stops bone loss, and maintains the strength of bones. It controls how much cholesterol the liver produces. It increases the acidity of the vagina and lowers the chance of bacterial infections. It reduces hair thinning and loss and regulates hair growth. An individual’s temperament, sleep patterns, capacity to procreate, and susceptibility to hormone-related medical disorders can all be negatively impacted by an imbalance in their hormones. 

Complications and symptoms of low estrogen

There is a strong correlation between estrogen and mood, feelings, and overall well-being. Low estrogen levels can result in several discernible symptoms, such as:

  • Changes in mood
  • Depression
  • Uncertainty
  • Outbursts of emotion
  • Anger, hostility, and irritability
  • Social disengagement

Make sure to visit a doctor if you suddenly develop these symptoms and you are not pregnant or nearing menopause. They will be able to evaluate your symptoms and perform a hormone test to rule out any other illnesses that might be causing your symptoms. Treatment options, such as hormone replacement therapy, may be recommended if low estrogen levels are the root reason. The effectiveness and potential negative effects of using phytoestrogen therapy as a substitute in situations of estrogen insufficiency are presently being investigated which is not fully known yet.

Apart from these symptoms, there are also other reasons you must be careful while seeing alterations in the texture of the skin, thinning or loss of hair, Amenorrhoea, or not getting your period, Diminished desire for things, Dryness in the vagina, Night sweats and hot flashes, Depression, Lack of sleep, unpleasant sexual encounters, Ignorance, inability to concentrate, recurring headaches, stale eyes, recurring infections of the urinary tract, etc.

Benefits of having estrogen rich foods


Menopause is the medical term for women’s natural decline in estrogen production through age. Because the systems of menopause are caused by a lack of estrogen, eating estrogen rich foods can help to ease the symptoms. Visiting a healthcare professional is the best way to determine whether symptoms are caused by low estrogen levels brought on by menopause. They will assess any symptoms and determine the hormone levels that are present. Individuals who exhibit any or all of the following symptoms in their late 40s or early 50s may be starting the menopausal transition. Although these menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms might occasionally be bothersome, there are remedies as well.

Bone health

Estrogen helps to regulate bone health. It has been proven that increased levels of phytoestrogen also mean increased levels of minerals in bones. This helps to prevent osteoporosis in both men and women. This is especially true in postmenopausal women. Estrogen helps to maintain a healthy bone density reducing the risk of osteoporosis in both men and women. Studies show that phytoestrogens from food can support bone health. Eating plant-based food can have a proactive effect on strengthening bone health.

Still, it is important to consult your doctor before you consume estrogen rich food. If you have any medical complications or continuing any medications, you must consider consulting your doctor before consuming these foods. At the same time, you should also monitor your physical and mental health symptoms. Avoid taking excessive quantities of phytoestrogens.

Breast cancer prevention

There is a proven link between eating more estrogen and a lower risk of breast cancer. certain types of foods, phytoestrogens, and estrogens are debated in their benefits in this regard. 

Researchers are currently looking at natural ways to use foods high in phytoestrogens to manage these symptoms when hormone replacement therapy isn’t an option.

Consult your doctor and go over potential health consequences before making any dietary changes. Many people are interested in learning which foods are high in phytoestrogen.

Estrogen Rich Foods

You might have a question in mind that which food has highest estrogen and how can you increase estrogen naturally?

Well, these are some distinct foods that are high in phytoestrogen, which some people believe may lessen the common symptoms of menopause. Such as

estrogen rich foods

Both fresh and dried fruits

Apricots and other dry fruits are good sources of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. A particular class of antioxidants found in these foods has been demonstrated to enhance blood circulation and offer protection against numerous illnesses. They can be eaten alone or in cereal, yogurt, or salads. Fresh apricots, peaches, red grapes, oranges, blueberries, and strawberries are also all great sources of phytoestrogen, vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Fresh fruit can be added to any meal or make great desserts.


Some people find it beneficial to include soy products in their diet. Soy is probably the most studied phytoestrogen-rich food for menopause. Many of these studies were done as a result of the low percentages of heart disease and menopausal symptoms observed among Asian women. The theory is that soy is eaten regularly in Asian cultures, low heart disease and menopausal symptoms might be linked to soy being rich in phytoestrogen. Nevertheless, more research is needed to prove this definitively.

Still, nearly every study researching foods high in estrogen has included a finding associated with soy and soy products. Soy is an excellent source of protein and healthy oils. But it is the isoflavone content that makes it stand out nutritionally. Research shows that isoflavones might be able to counteract decreasing estrogen levels during menopause and reduce hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and other symptoms.  


Flaxseeds have high levels of lignans, substances that your body changes into phytoestrogens. Lignans can help with estrogen metabolism. They are also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential fats that your body can’t make itself. Research that included women with menopause symptoms showed that those who added flaxseed to their diet for 3 months had fewer symptoms. There’s also research that lignans in flaxseeds may reduce the risk of breast cancer. You can add flaxseeds to your diet or use flaxseed oil as a supplement. 


When it comes to foods that increases estrogen levels in females, garlic is one of the top names on the list. In addition to being widely renowned for its culinary value, it has several potential health benefits. A study shows that garlic oil supplements provide postmenopausal women with protection against bone loss linked to estrogen deficiency. Packed with isoflavonoids, garlic also decreases the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels, preventing clots, and reducing blood pressure.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are listed amongst the top foods that increase estrogen, sesame seeds are loaded with phytoestrogens as well as several other important nutrients. These small, fiber-packed seeds can be added to almost any meal and also help in maintaining optimal cholesterol levels. According to a study involving postmenopausal women, daily consumption of sesame seed powder can increase estrogen levels and improve blood cholesterol.

Red wine

Red wine is also counted among the most effective estrogen foods. Red wine is a great source of resveratrol, which is a potent phytoestrogen. When taken in limited quantities, red wine not only increases your estrogen levels but can also help in regulating your cholesterol levels, warding away cancer cells and reducing the risk of heart disease. While including the above-mentioned estrogen-rich foods in your everyday diet can help increase the levels of this hormone, persisting issues and worsening symptoms should not be ignored.

In some cases, changing the diet might not be fruitful for everyone. If you feel like the diet change isn’t helping and the symptoms have become severe enough to interfere with your daily life, it is highly advisable to consult an experienced doctor  for a proper diagnosis and effective treatment plan.

Fruits and vegetables

Generally, berries and cruciferous vegetables are said to have high phytoestrogen levels. Some examples of these are:

Benefits of eating estrogen rich foods

Estrogen is a hormone that helps develop female sexual and reproductive organs. Estrogen plays an important role in the menstrual cycle, the urinary tract, bones, breasts, blood, and the brain. It can also affect pubic and armpit hair growth. While estrogen is produced in the ovaries and is more present in females than in males, men still produce estrogen through their testes and are also deeply affected by it. Because estrogen is such a key player in so many bodily functions, having estrogen irregularities can be very harmful. So, doctor consultation is very much required before consuming above mentioned food.

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