Home Ayurveda Management Of Migraine Through Ayurveda

Management Of Migraine Through Ayurveda

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What is Migraine?

Headaches are common these days and we get relieved from it with general medications and care. But, if you experience a recurring headache that causes severe pain, lasts long,  throbs or pulses then; it could be a migraine. In migraine, along with the above symptoms a person experiences dizziness, nausea, and light aversion as well. It can happen occasionally to one with the other experiencing more than two episodes in a week. The underlying causes include hormonal changes, diet, some medications, and so on. In Ayurveda migraine can be corelated as  Ardhawabhedhaka. 

Migraine affects people differently. Depending upon its severity, symptoms, frequency, and episodes, it can abruptly affect people’s lives and can hinder day-to-day work. It is more common in females than in men. It can affect 1 in every 5th woman and 1 in every 15th man. If you too are suffering from migraine then, to help you out we are here to present you some natural ayurvedic remedies and approaches that may help alleviate migraine symptoms.  So, you know are aware of what migraine is. Let’s delve straight for the management of migraine through ayurveda.

Here you will also learn about the herbs and dietary changes that Ayurveda suggests in patients suffering from migraine. These all may help you to relieve migraine symptoms. Always keep in mind that at first migraine treatment in Ayurveda should be used in conjunction with conventional medical care and always take prescriptions under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.

management of migraine through ayurveda

Here are some basic management of migraine through Ayurveda:

Identifying Dosha Imbalance

Ayurveda recognizes three doshas or mind-body types ( Vata, pitta, kapha). For this, a skilled Ayurvedic practitioner will assess your dosha imbalance and recommend specific treatments accordingly. The dosage and treatment plan may vary from person to person. Ayurvedic medications are not always the same for everyone despite the same disease. In any disease, a Vaidya ( Ayurveda practitioner) identifies the involvement of dosha in the disease, will access your individual Prakriti and after that, he will suggest you the procedure or medications accordingly.

Dietary Adjustments

Ayurveda always suggests a balanced diet. It is generally recommended to consume food that is calming in nature and therefore produces a calming effect on the nervous system. If you are suffering from migraines then, include more whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, ghee (clarified butter), and spices such as ginger and turmeric in your diet.  Try to avoid processed and refined foods like cheese. Also stop taking caffeine, alcohol, and excessive amounts of salt. 

Herbal Remedies

Ayurveda presents us with various herbs that can help in relieving migraines. Some commonly used herbs include brahmi (gotu kola), ashwagandha, and shatavari. These herbs not only reduce migraine symptoms like inflammation but also support the nervous system, and promote overall well-being. However, you should always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized recommendations and appropriate dosages.

Lifestyle Modifications

Both a balanced diet and a balanced lifestyle are significant in Ayurveda. And these days both these things are disturbed in our lives. Further, this disturbance leads us to a lethargic, stressed life and as a result, we suffer from many diseases including migraines.

In this, Ayurveda helps in attaining adequate sleep through stress reduction techniques like meditation and yoga. Regular exercises can help in managing migraines as well. You can practice hastapadasana, padmasana, Shavasana, and many more to relieve migraine symptoms. Maintaining a consistent daily routine, including regular meal times is also helpful in subsiding disease symptoms. 

Ayurvedic Therapies:

Various therapies of Panchkarma in Ayurveda like Shirodhara (a steady flow of warm oil on the forehead), Nasya ( administration of medicated herbal oils in both nostrils), and Abhyanga (therapeutic oil massage all over the affected part ). All these panchakarma procedures are recommended based on your Prakriti, involvement of dosha, and individual needs. All these therapies aim to promote relaxation, keep us stress-free, and improve the overall well-being of an individual. 

Here is youtube video on treatment of migraine through Ayurveda by Swami Ramdev:

The bottom line 

For any medications or changes in your diet, you must always consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner and a dietitian who can assess your specific condition and provide personalized recommendations. 

Moreover, it is always better to inform your primary healthcare provider about any complementary therapies that you are considering to ensure safe and effective integration with your conventional treatment plan.

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