Home Health Tips Stawberry Chia smoothie which has 6 times more calcium than milk

Stawberry Chia smoothie which has 6 times more calcium than milk

Strawberry chia seed smoothie
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Calcium is the very important ingredient of our daily life. It is mainly known to strengthen your bones and teeth. Milk is known as the best source of Calcium. But here’s a twist! Today we will be telling you about a recipe which contains 6 times more calcium than milk!

Yes, today we will be talking about Strawberry Chia seed smoothie.

Many of you must not be knowing about Chia seeds. You will be amazed that this rare known thing is simply a miracle in food resources.

Chia seeds are major nutritional powerhouses, and this strawberry chia seed smoothie provides you with all of their awesome benefits.

Nutrition in Chia seeds:

Just 2 tablespoons of chia seeds contain six times the amount of calcium found in milk. Eating these seeds every day can help maintain your bone and oral health, preventing osteoporosis and other bone-related disorders.

They also contain 64% more potassium than a banana, and double the antioxidants found in blueberries.

Today we will be talking about Strawberry Chia seed smoothie, which is good for all. Let us see how this smoothie is much nutritious than any other edible.

Amazing thing of Chia seeds:

This smoothie contains

  • 100% more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon
  • 6 times more iron than spinach
  • 32% of your daily magnesium and 41% of your daily fibreIf that isn’t a deliciously amazing smoothie, then I don’t know what is!

So now, your eyes must be large and thinking to get these tiny miraculous seeds! Well, first of all let us see the smoothie recipe.

Strawberry Chia seed Smoothie:

Strawberry chia seed smoothie
Strawberry chia seed smoothie

It is same as any delicious smoothie. It contains all the delicious things, which is liked by all. Let us see this and try at your own too.


– 2 cups fresh or frozen strawberries
– 1 cup packed spinach
– 2 tbsp. chia seeds
– 2 ripe bananas
– 1 cup coconut water
– 1/2 tsp. Vanilla


  1. Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth.
  2. Pour in a glass and serve.


Well, it will prepare more than two to three glass. A normal person should take it one glass per day. Those suffering from calcium deficiency can take more than one even.

Strawberry Chia seed smoothie is very good for health and taste even. Include this in your daily diet and see the miracle yourself. Take care and live well.

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