Home General Awareness Foods that you should eat during menstruation

Foods that you should eat during menstruation

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During menstruation, women experience menstrual cramps, mood swings, weakness and whatnot. This is the phase when not only a woman bleeds but also she needs a healthy and nutritious diet. This is because the foods which you consume during menstruation directly affect the pain and blood flow.

During menstruation many of us eat whatever we like but eating anything isn’t always a good choice.

Here are some food listicles that you can enjoy during menstruation.

balanced diet

12 Juicy Fruits and vegetables

Juicy Fruits and vegetables help to keep hydrated. These can also satisfy your craving for sweets without eating muchly refined or processed foods. Many juicy vegetables and fruits are good sources of vitamins which help in reducing bloating.

Watermelon is the best nutritious juicy fruit that removes your tiredness and reduces bloating.

11 Green leafy vegetables

During menstruation, a lot of iron is lost from the body during heavy bleeding. Because of this, you may experience fatigue, dizziness and even body pain. To combat iron loss you must eat green leafy vegetables as these are a great source of iron.

10 Yoghurt

Many women may contract a yeast infection while on mensuration. Yoghurt helps you to fight against yeast infection as it acts as a great probiotic.

Apart from the above yoghurt is also rich in minerals like magnesium and calcium.

9 Bananas

This fruit is a rich source of magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6 and thus is helpful in easing your period cramps.

8 Dark chocolate

Almost everyone loves chocolate and you can have them too while menstruating. Exciting, isn’t it?

Well, dark chocolates have low sugar content and contain a lot of magnesium. Magnesium helps in maintaining your mood swings while you are on your period. This mineral regulates the serotonin level and thus manages mood swings.

7 Eggs

Eggs have a surplus amount of protein, iron, vitamin B, essential fatty acids and fat-soluble nutrients. These minerals are effective against PMS.

Avoid hard-boiled eggs if your stomach is sensitive.

6 Tofu

Tofu and other soy foods are a tremendous source of protein, iron, magnesium, calcium and so on. So on periods, you can have tofu which is packed with so much nutrition.

5 Ginger

If your muscles are aching or you are feeling nausea then you can have a cup of ginger tea.  Ginger is anti-inflammatory and thus is beneficial. However, don’t consume too much of it as overconsumption of ginger can cause heartburn and stomach pain.

4 Fish

If you are a non-vegan you can eat fish during menses. Fish is a nutritious seafood which is full of omega -3 fatty acids, iron and protein.

Iron present in fish helps to fulfil its need while menstruating. Omega-3s can help in reducing the intensity of periods and also helpful in managing mood swings.

3 Drink a lot of water

It’s always good to keep yourself hydrated. And during periods, it reduces the chances of getting dehydration aches which is one of the common symptoms during menstruation.

Drinking water also prevents you from bloating.

2 Nuts

Nuts are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, protein and vitamins. All these minerals help during mensuration.

1 Lentils and beans

These are rich in iron and are a great source of protein. Protein is a healthy mineral for your body and iron is needed during too heavy mensuration.

Legumes are a rich source of zinc too which helps in subsiding period cramps.

In a nutshell

Always keep in mind that what we eat affects our health too. During menstruation also, the diet we eat can influence the hormones and PCMs.

 So, always avoid foods which can cause heavy bleeding or can worsen menstrual cramps. Keep yourself hydrated and eat healthy and nutritious foods. Here is a list of some foods that you should avoid during your periods.

  • Refined or highly processed foods
  • Foods that have a high content of sugar
  • Fast foods or foods baked with white flour
  • Spicy food
  • Foods that can cause bloating
  • Alcohol
  • Too much salt
  • Coffee
  • Red meat

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