Home Ayurveda Why obesity is spreading worldwide?

Why obesity is spreading worldwide?

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According to world health organization (WHO) obesity is an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in the body that causes a risk to human health. Obesity is a major risk factor for a number of long-lasting diseases including diabetes, heart issues and cancers. Obesity has become a global epidemic.

Today, more than a billion people in the developing world are overweight or obese.
Why obesity is spreading worldwide

It is a growing global health problem. Obesity is when someone is so overweight that it is a threat to their health. As per WHO by the end of 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese. Childhood obesity is also an increasing concern for the WHO.

The problem of obesity is global and is steadily affecting many low and middle-income countries, especially in urban areas. Overweight and obese children are likely to stay obese into adulthood and more likely to have with health issues like heart problems and diabetes etc.

Major Reasons

Obesity is caused by a complex and multitude of inter-related causes including economical and psychosocial factors as well as increased availability of energy dense food and reduced physical activity.

Food system

One of the major reasons is dietary habits. People are eating more sugar as well as more fat and salt, as they switch from cereals and whole grain to meat and dairy products. Obesity typically results from over-eating, especially an unhealthy diet.
Expensive healthy eating, easy access to cheap, energy dense, nutrient empty foods like fast food or junk food, packet foods that are high in salt.  Preservatives, sugars or fat, combined with increasingly sedentary lifestyles are the primary reasons for rapid increase in obesity in the last few decades, worldwide.

The local environment

Living standard and nature of lifestyle (active or sedentary) are also an important factor.  Sedentary lifestyle, urbanization, changing modes of transportation, lack of spaces for recreation and play, increasing reliance on cars leads to physical inactivity which results into obesity.

Illnesses and Ailments

A number of factors play a role in obesity and it is a complex health issue to address. Behaviour, environment, culture, socioeconomic status and health problems such as Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome, all play a part and may be an effective reason for obesity. Obesity also arises due to endocrine, hypothalamic and genetic disorders.

Lack of Exercise

It is one of the most important factors in managing obesity. You can shred your extra kilos by exercising few minutes in a day. In addition to weight reduction, exercise improves glucose metabolism, reduces fasting blood glucose, fating blood insulin levels, improves glucose tolerance and decreases insulin resistance.

Genetic Factor

Offspring’s of obese parents are likely to become obese than that of lean parents. Certain genetic factors may cause the changes in appetite and fat metabolism that lead to obesity. Those who are genetically prone to weight gain or have a lower metabolism and who leads an inactive and unhealthy lifestyle, the risk of becoming obese is high.

Psychological factors

Psychological factors such as low self-esteem, guilt, emotional stress, anxiety or trauma can lead to overeating as a means to cope with the problem and may also foster obesity.

Certain Medications

Such drugs include diabetes medication, antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-thyroid drugs, etc. can cause weight to put on which is really not needed. These drugs alter the various functions of the body and brain, making it selectively store fat instead of burning it.

Hormonal changes

Leptin hormone is produced by the fat cells and is supposed to send signals to the hypothalamus. It is the part of our brain that controls food intake that the stomach is full and need to stop eating.

Obese people have lots of fat and lots of leptin and the hormone is not working as it should, because for some reason the brain becomes resistant to it. This is called leptin resistance and is supposed to be an important factor in the pathogenesis of obesity or excess body weight.

Wonderful herbs to control obesity

Trim Support is an effective herbal supplement for natural weight loss. The herbal blend works in a natural manner and helps reduce the weight in a very comfortable and convenient way.

Stholyantak Churna is a unique blend of various rare weight loss herbs to make you lose extra fats from your body. The herbs reduce the weight naturally and without any side-effects.

Garcinia are useful in all forms of obesity and excessive weight because of any reasons. The reason can be excess calorie intake, sedentary life style or any other disease. Garcinia helps in most of the cases. There are no side-effects reported.

Guggul is the yellowish resin or gum that is produced by the Commiphora mukul tree. It is a small and thorny plant that grows throughout Northern India. Guggul is also known as guggul gum, gugglesterone, gugglu, gugulu and gum gugal.

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