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Top Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods


What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to protect itself against harm. There are two types: acute and chronic. You’re probably more familiar with the acute type, which occurs when you bang your knee or cut your finger. You can think of acute inflammation as the “good” kind because it helps us heal, while chronic inflammation is the “bad” kind because of its association with chronic disease.

Inflammation is the immune system’s natural response to injury and illness. Inflammatory chemicals in the bloodstream work to protect your body from foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. When you are injured, a localized inflammatory response plays a critical role in the healing process. Research has shown that chronic inflammation plays a role in several health conditions, including arthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Whole grains: Oatmeal, brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and other unrefined grains tend to be high in fiber, and fiber also may help with inflammation. Anti-inflammatory foods are single ingredients that are unprocessed and unadulterated in any way. They’re the very best from Mother Nature and well-suited for their nutritional value and positive impact on the immune system, cardiovascular system, and our bodies and brains in general.

Inflammation. Image Source: flaticon.com

An anti-inflammatory diet favors fruits and vegetables, foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, whole grains, lean protein, healthful fats, and spices. It discourages or limits the consumption of processed foods, red meats, and alcohol. Dietary antioxidants are molecules in food that help remove free radicals from the body. Free radicals are the natural byproducts of some bodily processes, including metabolism. However, external factors, such as stress and smoking, can increase the number of free radicals in the body.

The Best Foods to Eat to Fight Inflammation:

  1. Dark leafy greens
  2. Spices
  3. Nuts
  4. Fatty fish
  5. Flaxseed
  6. Avocado
  7. Cherries
  8. Beetroot
  9. Beans
  10. GARLIC
  11. GINGER
  13. Green Tea
  14. Beans
  15.  Cinnamon
  16. Turmeric
  17. Olive oil
  18. Dark chocolate
  19. Whole grains
  20.  Oatmeal
  21. Brown rice, 
  22. Whole-wheat bread and other unrefined grains tend to be high in fiber, which may also help with inflammation.
Image course: health.harvard.edu

An anti-inflammatory diet may serve as a complementary therapy for many conditions that become worse with chronic inflammation.

What causes inflammation?

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injuries, infections, and illnesses. It occurs when the body’s immune system transports an increased amount of white blood cells to the area fighting off the injury or infection. In other words, inflammation is just your body trying to prevent any further illness or injury by strengthening the immune response in the portion that’s being threatened by the same. 

The following conditions involve inflammation:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Asthma
  • Eosinophilia esophagitis
  • Colitis

Foods to avoid:

People who are following an anti-inflammatory diet should avoid or limit their intake of:

  • Processed foods
  • Foods with added sugar or salt
  • Unhealthful oils
  • Red meat, especially very fatty meat
  • Processed meat
  • Excessive alcohol
  • Snack foods with high sodium (like chips and crackers)
  • Processed carbs, which are present in white bread, white pasta, and many baked goods
  • Processed snack foods, such as chips and crackers
  • Premade desserts, such as cookies, candy, and ice cream
  • Excess alcohol

Diet tips:

  • Pick up a variety of fruits, vegetables, and healthful snacks during the weekly shop.
  • Gradually replace fast food meals with healthful, homemade lunches.
  • You are talking to a healthcare professional about supplements, such as cod liver oil or a multivitamin.
  • Incorporating 30 minutes of moderate exercise into the daily routine.
  • Practicing good sleep hygiene, as poor sleep can worsen inflammation.

An anti-inflammatory diet is widely regarded as healthy. Even if it doesn’t help with your condition, it can help lower your chances of having other problems.

One Response

  1. Healthy Snacks October 29, 2022

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