Home Ayurveda Proven Diabetes Natural Remedies to Control Blood Sugar Level

Proven Diabetes Natural Remedies to Control Blood Sugar Level


Diabetics are naturally sweet so they have to cut down on sugar items.  Diabetic means life time medication. But there is one question while taking medicines that how soon your condition will be improved or these medicines are completely safe.  Nothing could be better than herbal remedies to control blood sugar levels.

You can go for herbal remedies to lower your elevated blood sugar levels. According to Ayurveda diabetes (madhumeha) is due to the imbalance of vata dosha. Imbalanced vata doshas result in the deterioration of dhatus (body tissues).  Root cause of diabetes in Ayurveda is impaired digestion which results in the accumulation of digestive impurities in pancreatic cells and impairment in insulin production.

Diabetes Natural Remedies

Herbs help to improve the functioning of pancreas and stimulation of insulin in a natural way.

Planet Ayurveda’s Diabetes Natural Remedies are quite good to control the blood sugar levels. These herbal products are prepared from pure herbs like:

  • Karvellak (Momordica charanita)
  • Methi (Trigonella foenum gracecum)
  • Gurmaar (Gymnema sylvestrae),
  • Saptrangi (Salacia oblonga),
  • Vizaysaar (Petrocarpus marsupium)
  • Tulsi (Ocimmum tenuiflorum)

Planet Ayurveda’s Diabetes Natural Remedies comprise the “DIABETES CARE PACK”.  These diabetes herbal Remedies are prepared from pure herbs and free from the any starch, color, preservative and chemicals.

Products list

  1. Fenugreek capsules
  2. Bittermelon capsules
  3. Dia- beta plus capsules <
  4. Madhu mehantak capsules.

Diabetes Natural Remedies

1. Fenugreek capsules – These capsules are prepared from the pure extracts of herb Methi (Trigonella foenum gracecum). It is most common spice used in Indian kitchen and very helpful to reduce the raised blood sugar level. These seeds helps in the absorption of sugar and fats from the food. It also helps to increase the glucose tolerance in our body.

DOSE – 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Bittermelon capsulesBitter melon is also known as bitter gourd or karela. It is a unique vegetable-fruit that can be used as food or medicine. It is one of the best natural remedy for diabetes.These capsules prepared from Standardized extract of Karvellak (Momordica charanita). This herb contains at least three compounds which has anti diabetic properties named as charatin, vicine and momordicin. Charatin has property to lower the elevated blood glucose level. Its seeds contain insulin like compound known as polypeptide –P and quite good to lower down the blood sugar levels. These compounds individually or together helps to lower the blood sugar level.

DOSE – 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water after meals.

3. Dia-Beta Plus Capsules – These are ploy herbal capsules which are obtained from various herbs which helps to manage the diabetes naturally. The herbs used in this formulation are listed below:


  • Gurmaar (Gymnema sylvestrae)
  • Karela (Momordica charnatia)
  • Saptrangi (Salacia oblonga)
  • Vizaysaar (Petrocarpus marsupium)
  • Tulsi (Ocimmum tenuiflorum)


  • These herbs are packed with anti-diabetic properties. Gurmaar is also known as sugar killer and helps to control blood sugar level. Karela contains different substances which has anti diabetic properties. Other herbs like Vizaysaar and Saptrangi are also quite beneficial in dibates. These herbs work in a synergetic way to cure to decrease the blood sugar levels and improve the production of insulin hormone and also support the good functioning of pancreas.

DOSE – 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water after meals.

4. Madhu mehantak churna- It is powdered formulation of Planet Ayurveda which is combination of various herbs that helps to maintain the glucose level and list of herbs are given below:


  • Saptrangi (Salacia chinesis )
  • Vizaysaar  (Pterocarpus marsupium)
  • Bilva patra (Aegle marmelos)
  • Gurmaar  (Gymnema sylvestrae)
  • Darulhadi (Berberis arsistata)
  • Neem patra (Azardirachta indica)
  • Methi  (Trigonella foenum graceum)
  • Jamun (Syzygium cumini)
  • Karela (Momordica charantia)
  • Tulsi (Ocimum sactum)
  • Sadabahar (Eochnera rosea)
  • Babool (Acacia arabica)


  • These herbs are very helpful to manage the diabetes and also help to balance the vitiated vata dosha which is the root cause of diabetes in Ayurveda. Herbs altogether help to decrease the blood sugar levels naturally without causing any adverse effects on health.

DOSE– 1 teaspoonful twice in a day, ½ hour before meals with plain water or apple juice or iced tea.


  • Take 4-5 small meals in day.
  • Avoid fried and oily food.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Cut down on sugar.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Sit the sunlight for some time.
  • Avoid frozen food.
  • Avoid processed foods like cakes, pastries and chocolates etc.
  • Do the Exercise/yoga like Vajrasana, Mandukasan, kapalbhati pranayama and meditation.

One Response

  1. pbdesai April 12, 2017

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