Home Health Tips Child Care 10 Easy Ways to Protect Your Baby From The Sun

10 Easy Ways to Protect Your Baby From The Sun

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Motherhood is one of the most beautiful things in a woman’s lifetime. As a mother, the journey of bringing a new life into this world is a very emotional and overwhelming experience. You nurture and nourish a life inside your womb for a good nine long months and then one fine day, this little angel gets to feel, see, cry, and breathe. Although your baby has just been introduced to the world, it will have to eventually get accustomed to the surroundings. This beautiful life in your arms needs all the love and cuddling at this stage. You have to be extra cautious in protecting your newborn’s cotton-soft skin against rashes, sunburn, allergies, and drying up.  We will see how to protect your baby from the sun.

In the early stages, while your baby is a little more than 6 months old, optimum exposure to the sun is required. If your baby is less than 6 months old and would require sunlight, your doctor should provide you the guidelines. The early morning sun is often considered the best as it is not harmful and harsh. It is necessary so as to provide sufficient vitamin D to the soft bones to facilitate development. However, over-exposure to the sun has adverse effects on the bay resulting in skin irritation and dehydration.

Here are some tricks and tips to shield your baby from scorching sun rays:

protect your baby from the sun
protect baby from the sun

10 1) Choosing the right Sunscreen:

Babies have delicate skin that is vulnerable and is prone to damages if not taken extra care. Thus to protect your baby and to screen out the harsh UVA/UVB rays it is always advised to opt for a broad-spectrum lotion. More the SPF value more the protection. Ideally, you can invest in an SPF15+ sunblock. The key rule is to slather 20 minutes before stepping out and re-apply every 2-3 hours.

9 2) Taking a skin test:

You should always be very careful about brands and ingredients while picking baby products. As your baby’s skin is very sensitive, always do a small skin test on your hand first before applying any lotion/product onto your baby. PABA (Para-Amino Benzoic) is one such ingredient that can be a reason for skin irritation/allergy.

8 3) Covering with a cotton scarf:

When your baby is basking in the sun, make sure you have a thin cotton scarf always covered on your baby. The scarf or cotton cloth needs to be big enough to cover the baby’s skin entirely. But, yes babies are fidgety. They would not let the scarf stay on them for long. So, this works fine when your little bundle of joy is asleep. The scarf is necessary to protect the baby even when taking your baby out for the walk in a pram, on the beach, or even when you are traveling by car.

7 4) When to take baby inside:

You always have to be very watchful while your baby is enjoying the sun.  If the baby seems fussy or irritated, then it must an overdose of the sun. So, before your baby’s skin shows any sign of sun damage, get your little brat under shade.

6 5) Best Time to Stroll:

Babies are less susceptible to the sun during the early morning hours especially between 6 a.m to 10 a.m. In the morning the sun rays are subtle and comparatively gentle and thereby perfect for vitamin D intake. Substitute the traditional method of carrying your baby for morning walks with the conventional pushchairs which makes it a happy stroll for both the baby and the parent. If you are looking out for a comfortable and compact stroller with delightful offers, Mothercare.com can find you one. Its wide range of pushchairs and traveling accessories will take care of all your necessities.

5 6) Over Exposure:

If by any chance you happen to notice sunburns, red skin, rashes, or blisters, then you should immediately apply a soothing ointment on the affected area. Ayurvedic or natural remedies work best for this, but again one should get guidance from the expert. Doctors should always be consulted for they know what would be apt for your little one.

4 7) Natural remedies:

Natural agents like coconut oil, aloe Vera gel, milk, olive oil, and honey are brilliant soothing agents. You can just dab a cotton ball in a bowl of milk and apply it on the affected area. One can also make use of pulverized oatmeal on the burns to reduce the swelling. Cornstarch and baking soda are also proved to be efficient when it comes to soothing the baby’s skin.

3 8) Water therapy:

Bathing your baby with tepid water is the first crucial step the moment you observe any rashes or redness of the skin. If your baby is suffering from sunburns, try using a cool towel to soothe the affected area and make sure to treat the skin as gentle as possible. Bathwater with vinegar can also enhance the healing process and reduce inflammation and protect the baby. Always go for a gentle dabbing instead of rubbing the delicate skin.

2 9) Water Intake:

Keeping your baby hydrated all day can pave way for its healthy growth. Though newborns get all the water they require from breast milk, babies after 6 months they do need a regular water intake. The Best way to balance your baby’s diet is to use formula along with water providing the baby all the necessary supplements they need.

1 10) Avoid the Following:

You should never use ice, cold water, petroleum-based products, and antiseptics products such as benzocaine or alcohol on the sunburnt area. Also, never cut the soft skin of swelled up blisters as this could invite infections. Though there are many traditional therapies doing the rounds, it is wise to consult a pediatrician or your family doctor if you find the condition serving.

The tips when followed aptly can not only keep your baby safe from cruel sun rays but can also keep it happy and enjoy the season with least or no negative effects.

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