Home Ayurveda Home Remedies How to treat bleeding gums naturally

How to treat bleeding gums naturally

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Gum disease’s early signs include bleeding gums, which is a frequent oral health problem. Plaque buildup in the gums is the main cause of them. Gingivitis, or gum disease, is a condition where the gums become inflamed and swollen. The gums will become covered in plaque if it is not removed, and this hardening will cause tartar to form. There will be more bleeding as a result, and periodontitis will develop.

Gum bleeding that occurs while brushing or flossing could be under the assumption that it is common. A serious underlying medical issue, however, may occasionally be indicated by bleeding gums. When you clean your teeth very vigorously or when you wear dentures that are not fitted properly, bleeding gums can occasionally happen. Simple steps like practicing proper oral hygiene, seeing the dentist frequently, stopping smoking, and eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet will help with bleeding gums.

bleeding gum

Gum Bleeding Symptoms:

When checking your oral cavity to determine the source of your bleeding gums, the dentist may discover symptoms such as:

  • gum lines that are receding
  • mild bleeding from dental tools
  • Cavities
  • Gums that are swollen
  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis
  • brushing firmly
  • decayed tooth
  • bad oral health

Simple precautions can be taken to stop gum bleeding.

Using salt water to rinse

 Rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater on a daily basis can help reduce bacteria in the gums and stop bleeding gums because gum disorders are mostly brought on by bacterial development and inflammation in the mouth. To stop your gums from bleeding,  use lukewarm water with salt, and take it to your mouth for a few seconds several times a day. Do gargling. You may get relief.

Applying a cold compress

 A cold compress helps reduce bleeding and reduce swelling. Additionally, it reduces inflammation. you can place an ice pack on your gums to stop bleeding.

Quit smoking

Smoking damages your immune system. Your body finds it challenging to fight off the plaque bacteria that cause gum disease as a result. Your gums will recover and the bleeding will stop if you stop smoking. People often notice improvements in their oral health quickly after stopping smoking.

Maintain proper oral hygiene

A sign of poor oral hygiene is bleeding gums. Plaque buildup at the gum line causes the gums to bleed or swell. 

Apply  turmeric paste

Natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties exist in turmeric. The signs of gingivitis and bleeding gums may be lessened by applying a turmeric paste to the gums.

Choosing the proper toothbrush

 If a person has sensitive gums, they can choose an extra-soft or sensitive-rated toothbrush. Brushes that are firm or medium are too harsh on the gums. It can soothe your pain.

Avoid processed food

Starchy, processed foods include refined bread, cakes, cookies, and potato chips. Starchy foods can stick to teeth and gums and break down into sugar. Eating starchy, processed foods too frequently may cause gingivitis and bleeding gums. This action can lead to inflammation of the gums, bleeding, and an increase in decay. Sometimes vitamin deficiencies such as vitamin C or K, pregnancy, and certain medical conditions can also contribute to bleeding gums. People should see their doctor or dentist if the bleeding does not go away after trying to treat this symptom at home.

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