Home Ayurveda Herbs Health Benefits of Amla of Indian Gooseberry

Health Benefits of Amla of Indian Gooseberry

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Amla, commonly known as Indian gooseberry, has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine to treat and prevent illnesses. Amla contains antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, polyphenols, dietary fiber, etc. This excellent fruit, whether consumed fresh or dried, may do wonders for your complexion, hair, and general wellness. Some people prefer to simply pick them and eat them, while others use them to make sweets, jams, powders, and pickles.

health benefits of amla

The health benefits of amla are as follows:

11 Gooseberry Benefits For Skin:

The health advantages of gooseberries for your skin are listed below. Amla is consumed raw or in the form of amla juice, However, they are often pickled or candied in syrup. Amla supplements are available as amla fruit powder or powder-filled capsules. Amla powder can also be used to prepare tea or can be added to drinks and smoothies. The fruits are also used in hair and skin care products due to their vitamin C content and antioxidant properties. That helps your overall health benefits.

Amla is rich in vitamin c, which helps strengthen immune functions. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that decreases cell damage and reduces inflammation.

9 Lowers blood sugar levels:

The mineral chromium present in amla can help to manage diabetes. Chromium aids in lowering blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity.

8 Anti-Aging Benefits:

Gooseberry juice can help your skin to seem younger as you age, and that’s one aspect of becoming older in particular. Who wouldn’t want to appear youthful, though? In order to consume it, just make some amla juice, add some honey, and drink it. Antioxidants found in abundance in this beverage can fight aging cells and improve the appearance of your skin.

7 Skin Pigmentation Treatment: 

Amla juice is known to cleanse the skin and lighten skin pigmentation whether applied topically or consumed. Apply some amla juice to your face, let it dry, and then wipe it off with a small piece of cotton. Your skin marks will become lighter and your skin pigmentation will decrease if you do this frequently.

6 Removes Dead Skin Cells:

Amla juice is thought to revitalize your skin and add an additional layer of skin brightness, making your skin shinier. Your skin will look more smooth and more youthful. Moreover, whether administered topically or taken orally, amla juice is a superb cleaner. 

5 Strengthens immune system

Amla is a fruit high in vitamin C, which supports immune system health.

Gooseberries can make your hair appear smooth and silky, which is beneficial for your hair. For many years, Indians have utilized this natural remedy to prevent dandruff and damaged hair. Here are a few advantages gooseberries can provide for hair.

4 Natural hair straightener:  

Do you long for straight hair? You must have used hair straightening devices or cosmetics in the past that have a higher risk of harming your hair. Have you ever considered using gooseberry paste as a natural hair straightener? Yes, gooseberry juice or paste tends to strengthen hair follicles and promotes hair growth. All you have to do is apply some amla juice to your scalp and wait for it to work. Leave it for 30 minutes. It will also help to get rid of premature greying of your hair.

3 Improves heart health:

Vitamin C content in amla is great for heart health. Amla is known to reduce several risk factors for heart disease such as high triglycerides, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and high blood pressure. It protects against oxidative damage linked to heart injury, reduces inflammation associated with heart disease, and prevents the formation of blood clots that can cause heart attack and stroke.

2 Strengthens the bones:

Amla is rich in calcium which is vital to building and maintaining strong bones. The anti-inflammatory properties of amla can help reduce inflammation, and relieve pain and swelling in the joints associated with arthritis. Amla is also used in the treatment of bone diseases like osteoporosis.

1 Apart from offering loads of benefits for your hair and skin, gooseberries are said to offer numerous health benefits such as:

  • Treating insomnia
  • Strengthens bone
  • Has powerful antioxidants
  • Good for your teeth and prevents bad mouth odor
  • Good for your heart
  • Prevents diabetes
  • Treats gastric diseases
  • It is a natural blood purifier

Gooseberry is said to aid in weight loss and this fruit must be added to your everyday diet. Gooseberry also speeds up your metabolism and flushes out the bad toxins from your body. It also aids in good digestion which means that the faster your food gets digested, the more hungry you may feel. Thus, this also curbs your appetite by making you feel full.

Thus, gooseberries are a wonderful sour fruit that needs to be added to your everyday diet as this can help you lose weight and offers loads of health benefits for your hair, skin, and health.

Image Source: flaticon.com

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