Home Ayurveda Herbs 12 Kitchen spices with their herbal benefits

12 Kitchen spices with their herbal benefits

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Hey all, today let’s go back to our authentic Indian spices! The food prepared with the perfect ratio of herbs and spices tastes just wow! Do you know, we are actually underestimating our herbs and spices? They are not just to pamper your tastebuds, they have much more to do than that! 

Using haldi on wounds, ajwain in indigestion, aloe as an antiseptic, and many more. These are used for generations, also when modern medicines were not so popular. And they were so efficient and abide from any side effects as well! 

How herbal and kitchen available ingredients are better than medicines? 

 Do you know the herbs and spices that we use in day-to-day life can take place of your expensive medicines? They are quick first aid, even much more than that. Don’t adhere to your vital organs like the liver and kidneys, as painkillers do, and many more. The branch of science that deals with using natural and herbal remedies, with no chemical interference are called Naturopathy or Herbology. 


Today we will talk about 12 very commonly used herbs and spices, that are available in everyone’s kitchen. With proper guidance and information, these so-called ‘dadi ma ke nuskhe’ can do wonders for our health and get rid of health problems as well. 

12 Commonly used Kitchen spices with herbal remedies

12 1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera also called ‘Ghritkumari’ or ‘Gwar petha’ is a bitter, cooling, carminative, and diuretic in nature. The pulp or juice of the leaf is used for various things. 

  • In wounds, the sticky, fleshy part of the leaves can be used as a poultice. It is a natural coolant and also inhibits infections. 
  • You can make your own face and hair mask with aloe. Take 1 tsp of aloe gel, 1 tsp of lemon juice, and the same amount of pure honey. Mix them all together and use them as a face mask or serum. It lightens the complexion and moisturizes it as well. 
  • Modern studies prove, aloe significantly inhibits gastric secretion. Its cooling property protects gastric mucosa from Hcl-induced gastric tension

11 2. Asafoetida

Asafoetida or Hing is a well-known spice and is available in everyone’s kitchen. It is the resinous exudate of the root. It is antispasmodic, digestive, carminative, and expectorant in nature. 

  • A pinch of hing mixed with a few drops of water, to make a paste can be applied to the baby’s navel region and gently massaged is an instant cure for flatulence and painful condition due to gas accumulation. 
  • For respiratory infections and allergies, take 1/2 a tsp of raw asafoetida once or twice a day before meals. It clears airways and reduces internal inflammation. 
  • For worms in kids, dissolve a piece of hing in water with some jaggery and lemon drops. Give this after dinner or before going to bed. It kills hookworms and pinworms effectively. 

10 3. Cardamom

Cardamon or ‘Elaichi’ is an aromatic, stimulant, cardiotonic and expectorant in nature. The seeds and the oil of the plant are used. 

  • For urinary disorders, mix a tsp of elaichi powder with a cup of fresh amla juice with some sprinkled black salt over it. Drink this twice a day. 
  • Cardamom is a very effective analgesic. The essential oil or pasted cardamom peels applied on the forehead give very nice results. You can use betel leaf and clove in the application as well.
  • During summers, Cardamom is a very effective remedy to quench thirst and hiccups. Boil a few pods of cardamom in water and add some palm sugar or jaggery, with half a lemon squeezed in it. It is a very tasty and effective coolant.  

9 4. Camphor

Camphor or Karpur is the deposit of oil cells that appears whitish. It is aromatic, antiseptic, expectorant, and aphrodisiac in nature. 

  • For joint pain, camphor is a very useful ingredient. Heat some sesame/mustard oil with a few pieces of camphor in it. You may also add some nutmeg pieces if the weather is cold. The application and massage give very nice results. 
  • For lice infestation, heat coconut oil with some pieces of amla and camphor. Application for overnight, then washing the next day with herbal shampoo inhibits lice growth. 
  • For the common cold, heat mustard oil with camphor and cinnamon sticks. Strain and use this oil to massage the chest, foot soles, and overall body. You can also apply some drops around temples, the strong fragrance treats cold effectively.

8 5. Dates

Also called ‘Khajur’, can be seen in every household. Apart from being used as a condiment, it is a potent medicine as well. 

  • For cough, make a paste of dates, raisins, pepper, fennel seeds, and honey. Make the patient have 1-1 tsp of this twice a day. It calms respiratory spasms and expectorates phlegm. 
  • Dates are diuretic in nature. Taking a glass of hot milk, soaked with 3-4 deseeded dates softens bowel movements. 
  • People suffering from Alzheimer’s and Insomnia can take hot milk with dates and raisins. It is a nervine tonic and calms your nervous system as well. 
  • Dates increase weight! Taking 3-4 dates daily with milk increases weight in no time. It increases muscle growth which is very among growing children. 

7 6. Cinnamon

Here come our scented tree barks! Yes, these are cinnamon sticks. They are aromatic, astringent, carminative, and aphrodisiac in nature. The bark and the oil of the plant are used for various purposes. 

  • For cavities and tooth decay, Put a few drops of cinnamon oil in a cotton ball and place it between the teeth. It helps to remove the infection in a very eased way. 
  • To arrest the foul odor in the mouth, chew a piece of cinnamon twice a day. Or you can prepare a cinnamon decoction, to be used as a mouthwash. 
  • Rub cinnamon oil on the forehead and temples, it removes headaches and stimulates blood circulation as well. 
  • Adding little amounts of cinnamon powder to your food preparations. is a proven method to combat cholesterol deposits and detoxify your body, even without letting you know. 

6 7. Clove

Clove or ‘lavang’ is an aromatic fragrant spice, which has a wide range of benefits. In Indian cooking, clove is widely used as an aromatic spice and tastemaker. The dried flower buds of the plant are used which are antibacterial, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, digestive, and anthelmintic in nature. 

  • For eye infections, make a fine paste of cloves and apply it over the affected area. It reduces inflammation and gradually removes the infection as well. 
  • In tooth cavities, lavang tel is widely used. In chemist shops or grocery shops, you can easily find it. Just put a few drops of clove oil in the cotton bulb and place it between the affected tooth. You can also make your own clove mouthwash, by boiling 6-7 clove buds in a glass of water and using it after getting to room temperature. 
  • Clove contains a chemical called ‘eugenol’  that inhibits the growth of bacteria. It is a natural antibiotic so can be used in any such bacterial infections. 
  • In headaches, equal amounts of clove oil, eucalyptus oil, and cinnamon oil can be mixed together and gently rub and massage on the forehead. It gives immediate relief. 

5 8. Cumin

In Hindi, cumin is called ‘jeera’, which is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Jiraka’ which means ‘fast acting’. It is an effective home remedy for various body problems. It is cooling,  astringent, antifungal, diuretic, digestive, carminative, and anti-inflammatory in nature. 

  • In flatulence and loss of appetite, one can take a decoction of cumin seeds or roasted cumin powder with jaggery. 
  • During pregnancy, nausea and mood swings are very common. A very healing method is, taking a glass of lemon water with a teaspoon of roasted cumin powder mixed with it. It also treats gas and morning/evening sickness issues. 
  • Post-pregnancy, cumin seeds are very useful to increase breastmilk secretion. White cumin seeds fried with fennel, poppy seeds, and jaggery can be taken twice a day. It can be taken a few days after delivery for a healthy recovery too. 
  • During summers, boils and rashes get very common. Mix a teaspoon of cumin powder in coconut milk and apply it to the affected areas. It provides coolness and gives a quick cure.

4 9. Fennel

Fennel or saunf is widely used as a mouth freshener. It is an aromatic herb that is digestive, diuretic, carminative, and anthelmintic in nature. 

  • Chewing fennel seeds after meals, aids in good digestion and proper bowel movements. 
  • A lactating mother should take a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of fennel powder and jaggery or palm sugar. It increases milk production and also helps to avoid gastric issues in newborns. 
  • For vomiting sensation, boil 2 glasses of water with an inch of grated ginger and crushed fennel seeds. Boil till it gets half, let it cool at room temperature, and drink at regular intervals. 

3 10. Fenugreek

Here comes the enemy of Blood sugar! Fenugreek is a well-known herb whose both leaves and seeds are used. It is an astringent, bitter, aperient, galactagogue, and a toxin remover as well. It is used in our many food preparations and is called ‘Methi’ in Hindi. 

  • For dandruff and itchy scalp, soak a tbsp of methi seeds in water overnight. Drain off the water and grind it with the same amount of sour curd. Apply this on the scalp gently. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, and rinse off with lukewarm water. You can repeat this twice a week. 
  • For diabetics, soak a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 1/2 cup of water overnight. Cover it with a lid. Next morning empty stomach,  drink that fenugreek water if you can; chew the soft seeds as well. You may also use it in food preparations. 
  • Consuming laddus prepared with methi seeds and jaggery keeps us warm during winter. It is also a great heart tonic.  
  • Fry fenugreek seeds in ghee and powder them. Use this powder in any flatbreads or dosa. Also, any halwa prepared using fenugreek powder should be given to women who recently gave birth. It is a proven method to normalize a woman’s system after delivery. 

2 11. Poppy seeds

Poppy seeds or khus are small whitish seeds. It is anti-emetic, anthelmintic, digestive, and refrigerant in nature, It is used in lots of foods like in Thandai, spice ingredients, and many more. There are also a lot of precautions for using this; we should avoid poppy seeds in large doses and for long duration. 

  • Khus can be finely grounded into powder, mixed with orange peel powder and oats powder, and rubbed over the body it pacified skin rashes, infections even some sorts of measles too. 
  • Being a natural coolant, it is a great thing to be used during summer. In any coolant like lassi, buttermilk, or smoothies a tsp of khus khus powder can be added to alleviate extra heat. 
  • Water boiled with khus may be used in feverish conditions. 

1 12. Saffron

Here comes one of the most expensive spices, called Saffron or Kesar. Indeed it is very pricy, but its benefits are just worth it. It is chiefly cultivated in Jammu and Kashmir. The dried styles and stigmas of the flower are called ‘Saffron’. The flower is purplish in color and is a perennial herb. It is a stimulant, laxative, antispasmodic, and nervine tonic as well. 

  • Those suffering from Alzheimer’s or Epilepsy kind of issues should take kesar infused milk once a day. It relaxes neurons, making the condition recover in an eased way. 
  • Saffron is most renowned to enhance the complexion. One can soak a few strands of kesar and almond powder in a tbsp of raw milk. After the saffron has released its color nicely, mix the paste well. Using a cotton ball apply it overall face and neck region as well. One can do this once a week, after cleansing the face nicely. 
  • In India, it is widely used with milk as ‘Kesar doodh’ during pregnancy. A pinch of saffron is recommended dosage for a day. It ensures a healthy weight and a clear complexion for the baby. 
  • It is warm in nature, thus a very good remedy for cold and flu things. Infused in hot milk and jaggery, is a good alternative to medicines. During winter everyone should take this, especially those staying in colder regions. 

Caution and Summary

A humble note for medical practitioners and those involved with biochemistry, we are not accusing or putting taunts on medicines, surgeries, or modern treatments. We all know, those are life saviors. When met with even a minor accident or any widespread malady, whom do we run first? Of course, doctors and medicals. They are a responsible community helper.

If you are taking any other allopath or any such medicine, then must ask your doctor, especially for heavy problems like Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and so on. 

We are just creating awareness for our Natural treatments. About how our kitchen-available spices and herbs can be a remedy or first aid as well.  Hope you find the article useful and informative. If you have any doubts or queries do ask us in our comment section. We will try to reply to your questions soon. 

See we all know, modern medications may treat or cure very fastly and hassle-free. But are they really good for your health, that too in a long run? I think there is no more debate required. Be close to nature and respect what Mother nature has gifted us. Modern medications and surgeries are also needed when the illness has reached higher stages. That is why regular checkups and diagnose are important to be updated about your health things. Health is our real wealth, once our health starts degrading; that too with major organs like the Heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, and liver, it gets really tough to recover back to our original ill-free condition. Take care and stay well! 

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