Things to remember for Childbirth in natural way

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Pregnancy makes many demands on the prospective mother, the most important being her nutritional needs and those of the unborn child. Childbirth in the natural way is the most tough yet very eased thing. All it demands is your health care, nutritional needs, physical alertness and happier mind. Childbirth in a natural way will be described here, that will ease everyone.

Today our discussing point will be ‘Childbirth in natural way’. It will give you the tips, measures and ways through which you can go for a eased childbirth free from surgeries, scissors and any unwanted pain.

Childbirth in the natural way, should be purely natural function with very little pain or discomfort to the women concerned. Many civilised women appear ton find the bearing of children a task fraught with grave-risk and suffering and attended by numerous minor or serious after-effects.

This is solely wrong due to wrong dietary habits and faulty style of living. Really healthy mothers will always have an easy time when pregnant.

What makes Childbirth painful?

Little and natural discomfort is common, but any extra pain can be the result of factors given blow.

  1. The process of childbirth becomes painful mainly due to a large foetus in the womb.
  2. This results from an excessive intake of denatured foods such as white flours, refined cereals, meats and other junk food during pregnancy.
  3. Lack of exercise also results in painful delivery.
  4. Unhyeginic habits of living and restrictive garments are also the factors which results in painful childbirth.
Childbirth in a natural way
Childbirth in a natural way

Myths related to Pregnancy and Childbirth:-

  • It is quite wrong  to assume that the large the baby is at birth, the healthier it will be. The weight of a new-born infant should be 3- 3 1/2 kgs.
  • Many babies are seen to be exceeding this, those are nothing but the deposits of waste materials and watery fluids in them.
  • The idea of ‘eating for two’ is totally wrong, it only demands more 200 calories extra. At the third trimester, it will exceed to extra 300 calories per day.

Tips for Childbirth in a natural way:

Above, we described the things which every upcoming mother should know. Now, we shall be giving you the tips through which one can have an eased childbirth, and there will be no need of C-section and all.

  1. The expectant mother should drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. It can even be exceeded as there is a heavy need of fluids to complete the nutrition of both mother and the baby.
  2. She  should not delay going to lavatory when there is the urge.
  3. Breathing exercises and mild exercises are must during pregnancy. It strengthens you pelvis and thigh muscles which makes the delivery easy.
  4. Strong coffee, pickles, vinegar, tea, alcoholic drinks etc should be strictly avoided.
  5. Green coconut water is best thing during pregnancy. Take at least one coconut a day. However, it should be restricted after childbirth as it can cause cold to both mother and the baby.
  6. Sugarcane juice should be taken on a daily basis. It make the kid active and healthy.
  7. If you are non-vegetarian then must include egg whites in your diet. Being rich in protein and calcium it is very good for both of you.

Childbirth in a natural way is not a tough process. We humans only make it tough and frighting. Stay happy and go wisely.

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