5 Amazing Health benefits of Tomato everyone should know

Health benefits of tomato
Health benefits of tomato
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Tomato is one of the most common vegetables, known to all.  It is the glossy, bright, and cute looking edible, which everyone prefers. Let us see the health benefits of tomato. 

Today we will be talking about common things about this, in addition to the health benefits of tomato. This simple looking thing, hold huge benefits in it! Do you know, this cute vegetable can do miracles for your health.

The appearance of Tomato

Health benefits of tomato
Health benefits of tomato

Tomato is a short-lived, perennial annual plant. It has a vigorous tap root, hairy stems, and spirally arranged oval-shaped leaves. The fruit is a fleshy, round, or lobed, smooth berry kind of vegetable with numerous leaves in it.

It is found in different colors like red, orange, pink, green, or a mixture of all these. It is found in hundreds of variations, each having a different texture and look.

Botanical name: Lycopersicon esulentum

Nutrition in Tomato

  • Moisture/Water- 94.0%
  • Protein- 0.9%
  • Fat- 0.2%
  • Fibre- 0.8%
  • Carbohydrates- 3.4%
  • Total it gets 100%, in the mineral category, it contains different minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and many more.
  • Its calorific value is 20 per 100 gm edible portion.

Food Value of Tomato

Tomato is a highly nutritious and health-giving vegetable. Earlier about 130 years back, it was considered as poisonous and also blamed to be cancer-culprit.

But now, it has been proven that tomato in nutritious elements, which is best to treat a number of diseases. Ripe tomato is considered best and rich in Vitamin C. It is a natural stimulant for kidneys, and flush away any toxins in it.

Now, let us talk about the health benefits of Tomato. This is a simple ingredient,  found in every kitchen. This easily found thing, has hidden lots of benefits in it. Let us see how.

Health benefits of Tomato

1. Prevents and cures Diabetes

Because it is very low in carbohydrate content, it is an ideal food for diabetic patients. It is also very good for those in the risk of developing diabetes. Thus a diabetic patient must take it in their daily diet.

2. Good for Eye diseases

Tomato is a rich source of Vitamin A, thus prevention eye diseases like night blindness. Water boiled with, the leaves of tomato is a very good tonic for the eyes. It treats the optic nerve, thus curing numerous eye disorders.

3. Treatment of Obesity

Tomato is like a fat-cutter substance. It is a safe method of reduction in weight. An obese person must take one or two ripe tomatoes in the morning. It melts belly fat in a couple of months.

4. Healthy Liver Tonic

A glassful of fresh tomato juice, mixed with a pinch of salt and pepper, taken early in the morning is a very healthy tonic for the liver. Those with any kind of liver disorder, like cirrhosis or fatty liver, should take this regularly.

5. Good Lung Infections

Those with any kind of lung infection should take a glass of fresh tomato juice mixed with honey, a pinch of cardamom powder, and 3 buds of garlic with it.

It increases body resistance and reduces any kind of lung infection.


In this way, we saw the health benefits of tomato and the detailed description. Hope the article was reliable for you.

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