
Herbs that can keep you healthy

Ripe guava fruit

Top 10 Amazing health benefits of Guava Fruit

Guava is a well-recognized fruit all across the globe for its medicinal benefits and taste. For some, it is a simple fruit whereas for some it is simply an unexplainable miracle of nature. What...
Ashwagandha leaves for health

Ashwagandha: Herb towards a blissful life

India is the land of herbs and divine herbal medications. One should know, the first form of treatment which is regarded as the oldest of all was the origination of India itself. It was...
Medicinal benefits of black plum

Medicinal benefits of Black Plum or Jambul fruit

Juicy and delicious fruits are liked by all. Being tasty, these edibles looks quite attractive and colourful too. Because of their appearance, apart from humans; animals, insects and birds all are attracted towards it. Here...
Bay leaves for drying

Miraculous benefits of Indian spice; Bay leaf

In India, spices are very popular with immense healing benefits in it. In every kitchen, you will find varieties of spices used to cook food. Addition of these makes your food much tastier, spicy...