Home Ayurveda Herbal Medicine 7 usual home remedies for premature ejaculation treatment

7 usual home remedies for premature ejaculation treatment

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Approximately 30 % of men experience premature ejaculation at some point of time in their life. As much as it is a medical condition, it is equally stressful for the man and can make him severely depressed and anxious.

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Ejaculation of semen during sexual intercourse should occur at a stipulated time period for it to be called normal and satisfactory. Any sexual encounter in which ejaculation of semen occurs before 2 – 4 minutes is considered premature.

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There are many myths attached with this sensitive health concern and many a times people are found to be in self-doubt without actually suffering from any such problem physically.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of one’s body before rushing into a false judgement about oneself and look for premature ejaculation treatment. For those who actually are facing this problem and need help, there are many home remedies that can help them overcome this relatively minor sexual concern and enjoy life to the fullest.

Given below are 7 usual home remedies that anyone can try safely at home and feel better.

1. Green Onion Seeds

It is one of the ways in which sexual problems like premature ejaculation can be controlled with the use of common food items available at home.

Green onion seeds help improve sexual stamina and delay ejaculation.

For this take one tea spoon full of these seeds with a glass of water before meals, that is two to three times in a day.

Do this on a regular basis and I am sure results will not be too far away from you.

2. Ashwagandha Herbal Powder

A lot has already been written about Ashwagandha’s natural prowess in enhancing sexual stamina and effects on the reproductive system. So without much delay we will straight away tell you the best way to reap the benefits of this wonderful herb.

Take one tea spoon full of Ashwagandha powder two times in a day, half an hour after you have taken your meals.

3. Honey and Ginger

This is an ultimate detox combination that can never stop helping your body improve upon itself. Honey and ginger are good for the digestion and stimulate the liver which helps in better availability of nutrients to the body, thereby enhancing stamina.

This combination is also helpful in enhancing blood circulation to the reproductive organs which helps to strengthen their musculature.

For this, take one tea spoon each of honey and ginger juice in the morning daily on an empty stomach.

4. Garlic Cloves

Garlic has natural aphrodisiac properties, it is a very useful vegetable in terms of its benefits for the body. Eating three to four cloves daily on an empty stomach can do wonders for the reproductive system.

This should be done on a regular basis to obtain maximum health benefits.

5. Asparagus Roots

Asparagus is also well known for its natural aphrodisiac properties, it is a wonder herb which is available commonly and has absolutely no side – effects.

Boil approximately 20 g of roots in a glass of milk for ten minutes. Simmer this mixture in another glass and consume daily at night, one hour before bed time.

6. Castor oil massage

Castor oil is a herbal oil obtained from castor seeds. With multiple uses it should be necessarily available in every household so that its natural benefits can be enjoyed as and when required.

For people looking for natural premature ejaculation treatment, castor oil massage can be very good for strengthening musculature and blood supply to the penis.

Do this on a regular basis for ten minutes in a very gentle manner.

7. Withholding Method

This is more of a practical and a psychological way of dealing with this condition. Men are advised to withhold ejaculation at will and try to distract themselves, in order to delay it. With practice, it can prove to be a very useful exercise.

These are seven indispensable and one of the easiest ways by which premature ejaculation can be managed. Start practicing right now and who knows this could prove to be a miraculous trick for you.

One Response

  1. Parvez Alam January 30, 2018

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