Five Tips to Help You Start an At Home Yoga Practice


There are tons of benefits that come with practicing yoga from the comfort of your own home. Not only is it convenient and totally free, but an at home yoga practice also allows you to tailor your sequences to fit your specific needs.

Are you interested in an at home yoga practice but aren’t sure where to begin?

Here are five tips to get started with at home yoga practice

1. Establish a Practice Space

You’ll have an easier time starting and sticking with an at-home yoga practice if you set aside a space that is just for yoga.

at home yoga

It doesn’t need to be an entire room. Even just dedicating a corner of your living room or bedroom will do the job. The only requirement is that there needs to be enough space for a yoga mat!

2. Invest in Some Props

You don’t need a ton of equipment to start practicing yoga at home. However, there are a few props that will make your practice easier and more comfortable:

  • Yoga mat
  • Blocks to modify poses that require you to touch the floor
  • Yoga strap to deepen stretches and help you reach your toes
  • Bolster to support you during extended stretches

If you have any specific injuries or health conditions that you’re working with, you’ll also want to make sure you have equipment on hand to help you. For example, if you struggle with knee or wrist pain, a knee supporter or wrist brace will help you avoid injury while stabilizing your joints.

3. Schedule Time to Practice

Many people are drawn to doing yoga at home because they can practice anytime they want. The problem with this approach, though, is that it makes it easy to put continually put your practice off and end up skipping it altogether.

If you’re serious about being consistent with your yoga, make sure you schedule a dedicated time to practice. It doesn’t matter if you want to practice daily or weekly, just make sure you set a schedule and stick to it.

Your practice can be any length, too. Even spending just 15 minutes is better than nothing.

4. Decide How You’ll Practice

The internet has made it easier than ever for people to practice yoga in their homes.If you don’t want to pay for a studio membership, there are lots of ways that you can learn. Check out yoga-themed YouTube channels for free classes. Many companies also offer streaming services that give you unlimited access to instructional videos for a monthly fee.

If you’ve been practicing yoga for a while, you can also experiment with creating your own yoga flows. It takes some time to feel comfortable with this, but it’s a great way to tailor your practice to your own body.

at home yoga sequence

A basic outline for an at home sequence might look something like this:

  • Begin by connecting to the breath in Child’s pose or a seated position
  • Perform sun salutations to warm up the body
  • Practice a mix of standing and balancing poses (Triangle pose, Extended Side Angle, tree pose, etc.)
  • Move on to seat poses (forward folds, hip-openers, twists, etc.)
  • Practice backbends (Bridge pose, Bow pose, Camel pose, etc.)
  • Finish with inversions (headstand, forearm stand, handstand) or some passive restorative poses (forward folds, Goddess pose, etc.)

5. Don’t Skip Shavasana

Whether you’re creating your own sequence or following a video, this last tip is crucial: don’t skip shavasana. Especially when you’re practicing by yourself at home, it’s tempting to jump up and get back to work or run an errand. However, your body needs time to cool down properly and absorb what it’s learned.

shavasana at home yoga practice

If you struggle with Shavasana (most people do) try picking a mantra to repeat to yourself or do some pranayama (breathing exercises). Just spend 3-5 minutes in stillness before you move on with your day. Your body and mind will thank you later.

Starting an at-home yoga practice can be intimidating at first, especially if you’re new to yoga. If you keep these tips in mind, though, you’ll have a much easier time starting and sticking with a routine.

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