Relieving Back Muscle Pain and the Ayurvedic Approach


If you have ever dealt with back pain, then you are probably familiar with how fast it can become a problem. It can range from minor discomfort to debilitating medical condition depending on how quickly and effectively it’s treated.

Your back consists of several major muscle groups, your spinal canal and cord, and vertebral column which all relate to major control and coordination of your body. Back pain can be sudden and may go away quickly or stick around for extended periods of time. Understanding what and how to deal with this type of pain can make a big difference when it comes to finding relief.

A common cause of back pain is a ligament or muscle strain which can be triggered by sudden awkward movements, repeated lifting of heavy objects or both simultaneously can strain the spinal ligaments and/or muscles in your back. Constant stress on your back from poor posture or being overweight can cause painful spasms of the muscles too.


You can implement some simple strategies for relieving minor back discomfort before it becomes a major issue.

Regular exercise, spinal manipulation, and massage are all major factors when it comes to strengthening and stretching the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in your body so that they can better deal with the stress and strain of your everyday life.

Giving yourself a back massage by using therapeutic devices such as massage balls can efficiently release painful trigger points, reducing inflammation, and increasing oxygenation and blood flow to trouble areas.

Relieving Back Muscle Pain

The Ayurvedic Perspective

In Ayurveda, the muscles (and indirectly to your ligaments and skin) are referred to as mamsa dhatu. Mamsa dhatu is also the provider of self-confidence, fortitude, strength, and courage, and generates the means by which you express yourself.

Healthy muscles should work to express the desires and needs of the ego and the creative insight of the Divine. When speaking about the ego, the jivatman is the part of your soul that identifies with the ego. When speaking about the Divine, the paramatman is the part of your soul that identifies with the Divine.

In Ayurveda, muscle is built from fire and earth then driven by air. Earth is responsible for providing materials which make up the bulky framework of your muscles. Fire then ignites your engine which drives its action and focus. Your muscle is tissue which is highly metabolic. While fire and earth are playing their parts in forming the tissues, it is air which inspires and initiates your muscles motion.

When inspecting pain in your muscles you will find that the causes are driven by doshas. Doshas are the biological energies which are found throughout your mind and body. They include Kapha, Pitta, and Vata. The causes of pain due to your doshas include:

  • Kapha type: This type of pain can present as stiffness, swelling, loss of movement in a single or group of muscles and edema. Wet and cold weather increases can trigger Kapha pain. Other symptoms you may experience include aches, heaviness, dull and persistent pain, oil secretions, as well as mucus in stool.

  • Vata Type: This type of pain includes severe and cutting discomfort which can migrate, as well as throbbing. Vata types can be triggered by exposure to cold, cold conditions,  and drinking or eating cold foods. You may also experience symptoms including gas nervousness, anxiety, fear, irritability, dry or scaly skin, stiffness or cracking of joints, anemia, and constipation.

  • Pitta Type: This type of pain produces burning sensations, inflammation, and redness. It can be triggered by exposure to heat and hot weather. Generally, symptoms can include loose or frequent stools, anger, sweating diarrhea, and high irritability or fever.

Ayurvedic Solutions

Since Ayurveda is based on balancing your body and mind, you should combine solutions in order to provide equilibrium.

Purification of your body is essential to maintain a balance between the doshas. Build up of toxins can be a primary cause of pain. Depending on the season Ayurveda may advise different therapies for purification.

Abhyanga is oil massage. It combines a large quantity of warm oil and massage of your body. You should follow this with a warm bath. Implementing this into your everyday routine can help to manage proper nourishment and circulation to your whole body and in turn, prevents pain and maintains the clear skin and youth.

It may also benefit you significantly to inspect your diet. You may find it helpful to incorporate bitter gourd and celery seeds into your diet. You may also find that reducing meat, rice, fish, white bread, sugar, fried foods, tea or coffee, potatoes, and refined cereals will assist in reducing pain.

There are also certain herbs which may also help with pain. Depending on which pain type you are experiencing, these herbs can provide healing and help balance the doshas. These herbs include Guggulu, Rasna, Garlic, Indian Gooseberry, and Indian Aloe.

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