Origin of Ayurveda- How Ayurveda came to Earth

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Do you know, the knowledge of Ayurveda has been directly derived from Gods! How it came to earth and what is its legendary history is a very asked question. Today we will know the Origin of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda; The Science of Life is known as the most ancient form of treatise. It is holistic and spiritual science, which not only recovers your body but also connects you to the ultimate spirit.

Origin of Ayurveda
Origin of Ayurveda

Can anybody answer, how this knowledge was derived or what is the Origin of Ayurveda? Every knowledge has its own origination, so what is the history origin of Ayurveda.

Today we are going to explain you the most important of Ayurveda, which is its origination. It is important for every Ayurveda knowledge seeker and students engaged in it.

It will increase your interest and holistic view for Ayurveda.

Origin of Ayurveda:

history of ayurveda
history of ayurveda

The knowledge of Ayurveda is derived from the creator of Universe; Lord Bramha. He taught this knowledge to Daksha (Prajapati). Later on Daksha Prajapati, taught this to Asvin twins, who in their turn taught to Indra- the King of Gods.

When diseases and afflictions began to trouble the human beings, the great sages of the world, assembled in the slopes of the Himalayas mountain and resolved to learn the Science of Ayurveda.

Dhanvantri-Father of ayurveda
Dhanvantri-Father of ayurveda (Surgery)

As a fact, it was known to Indra. They decided to plead Indra and bring the knowledge to the world for the benefit of living beings. But who would undertake this difficult task, of going to heaven and learn the science from Indra?

Sage Bhardwaja, volunteered for the task which was gladly accepted. He went to Indra’s abode, learnt the science from him and came back to Earth. After that, he discussed the knowledge with all the sages in assembly.

Krsna Atreya, son of sage Arti taught this science to six of his disciples, Agnivesa, Bhela, Jatukarna, Parasara, Harita and Ksarapani. As the exam, each of them wrote a treatise and presented in front of their teacher Krsna Atreya and in the assembly of sages.

The treatise of Agnivesa was judged as the best and was even praised by Gods. It became popular in the world. Later on in 2nd cent A.D, it was revised and edited by Caraka muni. Thus the treatise is today known and popular by the name ‘Caraka Samhita‘.

history of ayurveda
History of Ayurveda

The study and treatise of Ayurveda is good for all. Everyone must practice this and get benefited.

Diseases will not be able to survive if everyone of us will be habituated to practice Ayurveda. Believe in yourself and go for this.

Hope this article was informative! Share it to all so that the magic and treatise of Ayurveda can reach to everyone. Let’s join hands to kick out diseases from our beautiful world. Are you ready

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