Here is How Muscle Growth Works When You Exercise


Many people who’ve just signed up for gym classes expect to see results, muscle growth, shortly, and if they don’t they get demotivated and quit exercising altogether. But like with anything in life, change does not come overnight. Exercising is no different.

Apart from getting into the routine with your trainer and adjusting to higher intensity and bigger resistance, our bodies need some time to adapt to our new regime. Therefore it’s unrealistic to expect any physical changes or feel stronger immediately.

In this article, we are going to go in depth and explain how training promotes muscle growth and how your muscles change after adopting an exercise routine.

How to Strengthen Your Muscles

If you want to understand how training affects muscle growth, you need to take a quick lesson in anatomy. Your muscles are made of fibers that resemble ropes that are made out of different components. When the fibers work in a union, your strength increases. This is also when you’ll begin to notice your muscles are larger and more defined.

muscle growth exercise
Muscular beautiful woman with dark hair working out and posing at a gym

As you repeat the exercises every day, the fibers learn to work together better. Leading to improved coordination and muscle growth. If you keep going, the cells in your muscles become larger and as a result, the muscle fibers become stronger and thicker. At this point, your biceps will grow bigger and that six pack you’ve been working hard for will finally manifest.

The compound responsible for muscle growth is protein. They are stored in the muscle cells and directly affect your muscles. Every time you push yourself to the limit, your body will send out a signal to the muscles in an effort to make the next workout easier. To this end, the body adds some more tissue to the muscles.

This repairs the microscopic injuries your muscles suffer from after exercise and adds some more tissue to strengthen the fibers for the next workout. If you regularly increase the intensity and push yourself to work out more, your body will keep feeding your muscles proteins to help it adapt to the new regime.

In a nutshell, your muscles grow as a preventive measure, to make sure your body can withstand the intensity of your workouts. It’s worth mentioning that the number of these fibers is genetically predetermined, so training cannot increase the number of muscle fibers in your body, just their shape, and thickness.

Muscles Need Time to Grow

For some people just lifting dumbbells is enough to initiate muscle growth incredibly fast. However, in the likely case that you’re not one of those people, you have to realize that growing your muscles takes time. Not every workout will immediately result in muscle growth.

You’ll start seeing results after months of regular training. The only way to keep your muscles in shape is to train continuously. Losing muscle mass is even faster than gaining them. Finding a routine that fits your schedule and your training needs is essential in maintaining consistency in training.

After a while, your muscles get used to whatever we throw at them. If you don’t change your routine, the intensity or the difficulty, your training regime will become ineffective and you will stagnate.

This is why it’s important to constantly push yourself further. But don’t neglect recovery either. Training does not only affect your muscles but other parts of the body like your ligaments, tendons, and bones. They also have to adapt to the new regime.

Are you ready for muscle growth

Hopefully, this article will help you understand how muscles grow better and how exercising can help you reach your goals. With the help of an experienced trainer, you can use this knowledge to get more out of your workouts and get the muscles you’ve always dreamed of.

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