Top 10 Health benefits of Grapefruit (Citrus fruit)

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By listening the name; Grapefruit, most of you must be guessing it as ‘Grape fruit’. But it is not so, it’s a citrus fruit which tastes sour, sweet and tart. Here, our present topic is on it.

It tastes really yum and everyone likes to enjoy it. We will be talking about Grapefruit and its Health/Medicinal benefits. So, lets move to our fruity topic.

Appearance of Grapefruit

Ripe Grapefruit and slices
Ripe Grapefruit and slices

The fruits of Grapefruit tree is round, yellowish-orange in colour. It varies in colour and may have a pale yellow or pinkish flesh. Its pulp looks reddish-orange in colour and is very fleshy and juicy. It is found in many varieties; all with seed and seedless. The grapefruit occupies  a high place among  the citrus fruit due to its richness in Vitamin C. It is a subtropical citrus tree which grows 16-20 ft tall. The leaves are dark green and glossy. Even the peel of fruit also looks glossy and shiny.

Nomenclature of Grapefruit

English name– Grapefruit
Family name– Rutaceae
Indian name– Chakotra
Kingdom– Plantae
Botanical nameCitrus paradisi

Origin and Distribution:

Grapefruit on tree
Grapefruit on tree

The grapefruit is indigenous to Indo-China, Thailand and Malaya. It has spread to other hot countries from these lands. It is now extensively grown in Wet Indies, Israel, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, U.S.A, India etc. According to the survey done in 2012, China, U.S, Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, Argentina are the top producers of Grapefruit.

Food Value of Grapefruit:

The food is highly nutritive and possess very much the same properties as the orange, lemon and lime. Following the list of nutritive elements are given which are abundantly found in Grapefruit-

  • Carbohydrates
  • Antioxidants
  • Sugars
  • Dietary fibres
  • Water
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E
  • Choline
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium etc.

Uses of Grapefruit:

  • Juice of Grapefruit is widely used; it is really tasty and healthy too.
  • In many places, Grapefruit are cooked to remove its sourness thus to convert it in sweets.
  • You can also have diced grapefruit with squeezed lemon and cilantro over it.
  • The peels of grapefruit have the potent as ant-repellent.
  • The essence is also used to prepare perfumes and room fresheners.
  • Grapefruit can also be eaten as the oranges.

10 Health benefits of Grapefruit:

Now, we will be moving to our prime topic which is Health benefits of Grapefruit. Being tasty, it is also very healthy and aids in many disorders. Some of the are listed below-

11. Aids in Liver problems

  • If you can suffering from weaken liver or an kind of liver disorder then Grapefruit is a good treatment.
  • Have a glass of Grapefruit juice daily.
  • The trace metals and Vitamin content present will help to detoxify and recharge the liver cells.

22. Helpful in Acidity

  • The fresh grapefruit has an alkaline reaction after digestion.
  • The citric acid of the fruit is oxidised in human system and hence the effect is to increase the alkalinity of the body fluids of the body.
  • One who usually suffers from acidity should include grapefruit juice in its regular diet.

33. Treats Diabetes

  • Grapefruit is a splendid thing in the food of diabetic patients.
  • If you are suffering from diabetes then have grapefruit three times a days.
  • It eliminates the sugar in few weeks.
  • Continue its intake for better results.

44. Cures Fever

  • In case of fever except due to cold.
  • Take 1/4th glass of water and 3 times of grapefruit juice in it.
  • Mix well and have this twice a day.
  • In few days, it relieves the fever.

55. Helpful in Malaria

  • Grapefruit is the natural source of ‘quinine’.
  • Boil the grapefruit and take off its pulp.
  • Strain the pulp and give it to the patient.
  • It works really excellent to cure Malaria.

66. Cures Scanty urination

  • The juice of grapefruit is rich in Vitamin C and potassium.
  • Therefore it is good for kidneys, liver and heart.
  • A glass of grapefruit juice daily helps to cure problems related to urination.

77. Prevents Kidney stones

  • Drink grapefruit juice daily; it even prevents kidney stones due to hereditary reasons.
  • It also makes the pH level of urination citric thus dropping the chances the stone formation.

88. Lowers cholesterol levels

  • For those who are suffering from cholesterol problems, Grapefruit is like a miracle.
  • It contains pectin which is a soluble fibre, strengthening the arteries.
  • It minimizes the risks of obesity and cholesterol.
  • Niacin present in Grapefruit helps to cut down cholesterol deposits.

99. Cures Colon Cancer

  • Those who drink three 6-ounce glasses of grapefruit juice a day is always prevented from Colon and Lung cancer.
  • It helps in the production of healthy colon cells and eradicates the carcinogens.

1010. As a Beauty aid

  • Drink Grapefruit juice regularly for healthy and glowing skin.
  • One can also apply its juice to get make their skin free from acne, scars, blemishes and wrinkles.

So, in this way we saw how this small fruit is a package off huge benefits. One should include it in daily diet. So, take care and live well!


  1. tripta October 17, 2015
    • Avatar of Shalini Jaiswal Shalini Jaiswal October 19, 2015

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